題 名 | 後ECFA時期臺中市會展產業發展策略之研究=A Study on the Development Strategy of Taichung City's MICE Industry in Period of Post ECFA |
作 者 | 黃培真; | 書刊名 | 致理學報 |
卷 期 | 32 2012.11[民101.11] |
頁 次 | 頁143-179 |
分類號 | 496.7 |
關鍵詞 | 會展產業; 展覽; 海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議; 臺中市; 後ECFA時期; MICE industry; Exhibitions; Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement; ECFA; Taichung City; Period of post ECFA; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自台灣海峽兩岸於2010年6月29日 第五次「江陳會談」正式簽訂「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(ECFA)後,可謂兩岸經貿關係自此邁入新的里程碑。惟台灣五都因地理位置之不同,其影響可能有所差異。鑒於台灣目前本土會展產業(MICE Industry)之研究,過度集中於北、高二市;本研究乃選擇位於五都中心點之台中市,採質性研究之文獻分析及專家訪談法,探討其於後ECFA時期發展會展產業之利基與策略,並就相關研究結果提出建言,以供台中市發展會展城市競爭力之借鑒。本研究發現,台中市會展產業發展環境優良,但得自中央政府之資源嚴重不足,因此妨礙會展產業之軟、硬體建設及市場擴張。短期台中市應以其擁有之產業基礎及自然人文風貌,採「差異化策略」發展強勢產業之會展活動,及作為世界「獎勵旅遊」之最佳目的地城市。長期規劃則應朝向國際合作以擴展中國大陸及國際之會展活動市場;最終則發展為海峽兩岸及東亞之「區域展覽中心」。 |
英文摘要 | Since the Straits Exchange Foundation and the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits officially signed the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) during the Fifth Chiang-Chen Talks held on June 29, 2010, the cross-strait economic and trade relations enter into a new milestone. However, its impact on Taiwan’s five special municipalities may vary according to different geographical locations. Due to the researches on local MICE industry over-concentrated in Taipei and Kaohsiung City, this study adopts the qualitative methodology of documental analysis and the expert interviews to explore the MICE industry niche and strategy of Taichung City in the period of post ECFA. This study also makes recommendations to upgrade the competitiveness of the MICE industry development of Taichung City. The researcher found Taichung City has an excellent environment for MICE industry. However, obtaining serious shortage of resources from the Central Government leads to hamper the hardware & software development and market expansion. For the short term goal, the study suggests that the Taichung City with its industrial bases and natural human cultures should adopt the differentiated strategy to develop MICE activities for powerful industries and become the best destination city for the incentive tour. For long-term planning, Taichung City should expand the MICE industry market in Mainland China and around the globe. Ultimately, the city will be the "Regional Exhibition Centre" of East Asia and the cross-strait. |