題 名 | 從德國參審制談司法院人民觀審制=A Discussion on the Lay Judge System in Judicial Yuan Draft Based on the Lay Judge System in Germany |
作 者 | 何賴傑; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學法學論叢 |
卷 期 | 41:特刊 2012.11[民101.11] |
頁 次 | 頁1189-1243 |
專 輯 | 新世紀的程序正義及權利救濟 |
分類號 | 587.822 |
關鍵詞 | 德國參審制; 參審員; 原型; 混合型; 司法民主化; 人民觀審制; 觀審員; Lay judge system in Germany; Lay judge; Prototype; Mixed type; Democratization of justice; Lay judge system in Taiwan; Lay judge in Taiwan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 公民參與審判制度之功能,可以從兩方面說明,一方面是自由觀點,另一方面是司法利益觀點。依自由觀點而言,公民參與審判之功能,在制約國家權力(包括司法權)之行使,以避免國家權力獨擅而侵犯公民權利。另一方面,從司法利益觀點而言,國家處罰被告之權力,必須建立在國民對於司法之信賴及對判決之信服上。國民對於法官獨立性及程序公開透明,須有所信賴,且透過參與審判,對於法律規範與法庭實踐,能因理解而生信賴。另外,透過參與審判,讓司法不會背離社會通念與庶民生活觀,因為公民得將其健全的對人性與社會之理解帶進判決內,以增進公民對於司法判決之信服。而當今國際關於人民參與審判制度之具體實踐範例,基本上有兩種「原型」制度,即英美陪審制與歐陸參審制。另外,奠基於這兩種「原型」而將兩者內容混合而創立之「混合型」制度,例如法國陪審制及日本裁判員制度。而我國從七○年代開始,司法院即對是否有引進參審制或陪審制之必要有所討論,且從「刑事參審制」、「專家參審制」、「國民參審制」到最近之「人民觀審制」,皆試擬出草案。本文以德國參審制度為討論基礎,試圖提出規劃人民觀審制時,應仔細評估之個別因素,並對人民觀審制提出本文觀點。 |
英文摘要 | The functions of citizen participation in the justice system can be explained from two perspectives, one is the Liberty viewpoint, on the other hand is the Interest of Justice viewpoint. According to the Liberty point of view, the function of citizen participation in the justice system is to constraint of state power (including jurisdiction). From the standpoint of the Interests of Justice, the crime punishment power of state must be based on the national faith and trust in the justice, including fairness, independence of judge and due procedures, and criminal judgments will not be deviated from the concept of citizenship. Today's international concrete examples of practice on citizen participation in the justice system, there are basically two ”prototype” system, namely, the Anglo-American jury system and the European lay judge system. Besides founded on these two ”prototype” will be the mixing court system, such as France and the recent Japan. From the 70's, the Judicial Yuan hat discussed whether there is need to adopt the foreign system, and prepared the draft of ”the criminal lay judge system”, ”the experts lay judge system”, ”the national lay judge system” and nearest ”the people lay judge system”. This article aims to assess the matters for planning citizen participation in the justice system, based on discussion of the lay judge system in Germany, and finally suggests different viewpoints to ”the people lay judge system”. |