題 名 | 規範公部門勞動關係國際勞動基準之建構=The Establishment of International Labor Standards Governing Industrial Relations in the Public Sector |
作 者 | 焦興鎧; | 書刊名 | 國立中正大學法學集刊 |
卷 期 | 36 2012.10[民101.10] |
頁 次 | 頁95-135 |
分類號 | 556.84 |
關鍵詞 | 國際勞工組織; 公部門勞動關係; 國際勞動基準; 團結權; 團體協商權; 爭議權; International labour organization; Industrial relations in the public sector; International labor standards; Rights to organize; Rights to bargain; Rights to dispute; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文之目的,是要對國際勞工組織及其他國際組織過去在建構公部門勞動關係相關國際勞動基準之各項努力情形,作一完整之說明,除回顧這些基準之發展沿革外,並對其重要內容及實施成效作一全面之檢視,同時,也設法對它們未來之發展趨勢,以及對我國此一部門蓄勢待發勞動關係所能提供之各項啟示,作一綜合之評析。除序言外,全文之內容共分四大部分:第一部分將以四個階段為期,說明國際勞工組織及其他國際組織,在推展與公部門勞動關係有關各類國際勞動基準之努力情形。第二部分以規範此類事項最為完整之國際勞工組織第八十七號、第九十八號、第一五一號及第一五四號等公約,來剖析這類國際勞動基準之重要內容。第三部分分析國際勞工組織及其他國際組織如何透過申訴、溝通及發布相關報告等方式,來監督這些國際勞動基準之具體實施。第四部分在結語中,則將論及它們對我國建構公部門勞動關係所能提供之各種啟示作用。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is to make an overall evaluation of the efforts made by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and other international organizations in establishing international labor standards governing industrial relations in the public sector in the past decades. In addition to tracing their historical developments, it also reviews their major contents and the achievements attained. In addition, the paper also tries to discuss the future trends of said standards and whether they can provide insight for Taiwan as its industrial relations in the public sector are about to be fully developed in recent years. Aside from introductory remarks, the major contents of the paper are divided into four sections. Section One discusses, in four stages, the efforts made by the ILO and other international organizations to promote various international labor standards to regulate industrial relations in the public sector. Section Two describes the major contents of International Labour Conventions Nos. 87, 98, 151 and 154 promulgated by the ILO which are the most integrated international labor standards in this area. Section Three analyzes how the ILO and other international organizations utilizing the mechanisms of complaints, communications or publishing related reports to supervise the actual implementation of these international labor standards. Finally, in the concluding section, the paper mentions whether these international labor standards can provide relevant insights for Taiwan as it has recently sought to build up its own labor law system governing industrial relations in the public sector. |