題 名 | 隨園三妹詩作探析=A Study of Sui-Yuan Three Sisters' Poetry |
作 者 | 傅及光; | 書刊名 | 臺北大學中文學報 |
卷 期 | 12 2012.09[民101.09] |
頁 次 | 頁103-120 |
分類號 | 831.7 |
關鍵詞 | 袁枚全集‧袁家三妹合稿; 素文女子遺稿; 樓居小草; 綉餘吟稿; 盈書閣遺稿; 隨園三妹; 袁機; 袁杼; 袁棠; Three sisters of Sui-Yuan; Yuan-Ji; Yuan-Zhu; Yuan-Tang; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨園三妹,即袁枚的三妹袁機、四妹袁杼和堂妹袁棠。她們在袁枚所帶領的隨園女性創作風潮中,受到其詩學的影響而開始了詩歌創作,姊妹三人均能詩能文,為清代著名之女詩人,袁枚編輯她們的詩稿《袁家三妹合稿》刊行於世。 隨園三妹為清代的閨閣文人,以其自身生活環境為基礎,作品輒展現出柔媚婉曲、多愁善感的面貌。她們皆生長於傳統三從四德禮教下的清代名媛,聰穎慧婉但其際遇卻是多坎坷而少福澤,令人噓欷!。三人個性,才情,際遇亦各不相同,故而其詩作亦頗有差異性,但皆不失為真情至性之作。袁枚在《隨園詩話》中評說:「余三妹皆能詩,不愧孝綽門風,而皆多坎坷少福澤。」自怨,自哀,自憐的身世之歎,成了她們不自覺的創作內容。作為深受其兄袁枚影響的詩人,她們以自己的創作,實踐著性靈詩派的理論主張;同時,作為閨閣詩人,她們以女性細膩的感受,使詩作呈現出迥異於男性文人的特質,成為清代文學不可或缺的組成部分。今觀其詩作,略可窺知其人生平矣。 |
英文摘要 | Three sisters of Sui-Yuan, they are Yuan-Ji , Yuan-Zhu and Yuan-Tang. They are sisters of Yuan-Mei. Yuan-Mei leads them begin writing poetry in pursuit of the wave of women's writing. The three sisters’ poems are very famous in the QingDynasty. Yuan-Mei edits their poems and gets it published as the book of Yuan Sisters. Lives of the three sisters of Sui-Yuan are guided by traditional points of view, that is three rules must be obeyed and the four feminine virtues, followed by Chinese woman at that time. Their works reveal sentimental sense and mixed with gentleness and tenderness. It also reflects the truth of their personal lives that have less luck but more frustrations. Their personalities, talents and fates are varied. Therefore, styles of their works are also been presented in different way. Even so, they all reveal true affections and cares. It is written by Yuan Mei in the work of Sui Yuan Shi Hua that “ My three sisters all are talented writers. I am proud of them. But they all have their frustrations to suffer in life.” Self-complaint, self-blame and self-pity have been found as the central theme of their works with unintention. As affected by their brother, Yuan Mei, they create their own piece of works and follow the principle the spirituality poetry claims. At the same time, their works represent the sense of feminization and the unique characteristics of delicateness and tenderness. It is different from works presented by male poetries. And it also been regarded as an important part of poems published in Qing Dynasty. |