題 名 | 曾國藩之權力觀研究=The Study on Tseng Kao-Fan' Power Sense |
作 者 | 王振勳; | 書刊名 | 南臺學報 |
卷 期 | 37:2 2012.06[民101.06] |
頁 次 | 頁115-126 |
分類號 | 541.776 |
關鍵詞 | 曾國藩; 儒學; 道德觀; 權力; Tseng Kao-Fan; Confucianism; Moral; Power; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 權力是一種工具,係個人賴以持家維生與經世濟民的重要力量之一,缺其介入即難以成事。曾國藩是清朝中葉後的最重要中興大臣,其事功在平定太平天國的漢人革命與開啟國家自強運動,這其中涉及有民族大義之爭辯問題。史論者有若干之批評,但其一生官守情操與家教家訓,所流露出維護儒家倫理道德的作為,對後世的影響,被視為超越軍政上的成就。曾氏的權力觀,就來源說,係承天命之主宰而獲致,這是一種道德力量的表現,要本持誠與勤兼及克己復禮之發揚,時時保有敬畏之心;就運用說,權力不可盡施,不可借用與他用,處處要考慮其中所寓含的道德性,用敬與忠來貫徹權力的教化力量;就釋解說,權位愈高責任愈重,亦難長期保有,應及時自官場抽身引退,將權力淨化與昇華,回歸書生耕讀本色,以免遭致禍責。曾氏一生的事功與思想,以家教為基礎,連結至治國平天下的匡世和救世之作為,以人格形象的塑造來成就權力,其儒家底蘊的權力觀頗具人文理性與當代領導藝術之價值。 |
英文摘要 | Power is one means of doing household management and is also regarded as a means of giving people happiness during the peaceful social development. Tseng Kao-Fan was one of the most important officials during the Mid-Qing Dynasty. Tseng ‘s main achievements in power polities included: the repression of the Taiping Rebellion and initiation of national self-strengthening movement, both of which caused the dispute on the issue of nationalism. Despite a number of recent criticisms on Tseng by historians, his great influences were expressed through the impact on future generation by means of his abiding Confucian ethics on official sentiment and basic family precepts. We found that Tseng’ sense of power sense derived from the concept of Heaven, which manifests itself in people’s moral strength, sincerity , diligence, and their owe to the Heaven. Tseng’s notion of the power politics is that power cannot be transferred to others, and it has to take morality into account, so that it can have efficiency in education. The notion of transferring power is that the higher position comes with more responsibility and higher risks, so power-owner needs to release it at a proper time. In conclusion, Tseng received a good family education, which influenced his personality and his way of managing government affairs. Tseng built power on his good personality, which has provided a strong influence on the contemporary leadership. |