題 名 | 日僧俊芿與南宋文人士大夫的交往=The Dissemination of Chinese Buddhism into Japan: The Case of the Japanese Monk, Junreng |
作 者 | 定源; | 書刊名 | 臺大佛學研究 |
卷 期 | 22 2011.12[民100.12] |
頁 次 | 頁32-57 |
分類號 | 229.4 |
關鍵詞 | 俊芿; 南宋; 文人士大夫; 中日交流; Junreng; Southern Song; Literati; The communication of China and Japan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 俊芿(1166-1227),日本京都泉涌寺開山之祖,一生主要致力於宣揚律學,在日本佛教史上作為「北京律」之開祖,得到極高的評價。他有感於鎌倉佛教律學的衰微,於南宋慶元五年(1199)入宋求法,時年三十四歳,在宋凡十二年。期間他除了遊歷名刹、參訪高僧之外,與當時文人士大夫亦有所來往,且交情甚篤。本文傾力蒐羅中日文獻,著重討論俊芿與南宋文人士大夫的交往情況。希望通過這一探討,得以了解俊芿在宋行迹的同時,加深我們對中日文化友好交流史的認識。 |
英文摘要 | Among Japanese monks who came to China to learn (Chinese) Buddhism, Junreng (1166-1227) is one to whom few scholars have paid attention. As a prominent monk in Kamakura Japan, he was known as the first patriarch of the Vinaya lineage of the Northern Capital. Seeing the disciplinary laxity of Japanese monasteries, Junreng went to Southern Song China in 1199. During the next twenty years, he travelled allover China, associated widely with literati, and studied with eminent monks. This paper investigates Junreng's social and religious activities in China by using all available documentary sources. This paper will fill a blank chapter in the study of the spread of Chinese Buddhism into Japan during the twelfth century. |