題 名 | 國小家長節能減碳之知識、態度與行為之調查=Survey of Parents' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors towards Energy Saving and Carbon Emission Reduction in Taiwan Elementary Schools |
作 者 | 蘇秀枝; 蔡新聲; 王為國; 張華南; 王文裕; 白子易; | 書刊名 | 朝陽學報 |
卷 期 | 17 2012.10[民101.10] |
頁 次 | 頁107-152 |
分類號 | 445.9 |
關鍵詞 | 全球暖化; 節能; 減碳; 國小家長; Global warming; Energy conservation; Carbon reduction; Parents; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究使用問卷調查法,瞭解中、彰、投地區國小高年級學生家長節能減碳之知識、態度與行為,並探討其相關因素。研究工具為自編之「國小學童家長節能減碳知識、態度、行為調查問卷」,分層隨機抽樣中、彰、投之大、中、小型國小五、六年級學生;總計發出1,142份問卷,收回1,025份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為89.75%。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析等進行資料處理。 研究結果發現中、彰、投地區國小學生家長自評之節能減碳知識、態度與行為皆有中上表現,其中態度最佳,實際行為則較弱。家長自覺對節能減碳概念「大部分懂」;對節能減碳持正向態度;實際行為則略低於「經常」。家長對「節約能源」與「減碳」的知識較佳;對「暖化原因」,如溫室效應、溫室氣體等知識較不熟悉。家長對於節能減碳之態度大多持正面態度,但是當詢問家長是否支付更高的價格(例如:多花一點錢買省電的電器等),改善地球暖化的問題時,家長的意願有些微的降低。家長對「節約能源」與食物消費之「減碳行為」表現較佳;但對日常生活覺得不方便的行為,例如帶手帕、搭乘大眾交通工具、帶環保餐具或倡導行為表現較弱。家長關於節能減碳之資訊來源主要來自電視、報紙、網路等,顯示這些管道在相關政策宣導的重要性。 大型(37班以上)與中型(13-36班)學校家長之節能減碳整體知識與態度顯著優於小型(12班以下)學校之家長;大型學校家長之整體行為表現顯著優於小型學校之家長。台中市家長之態度顯著優於彰化縣家長。男性之「能源知識」顯著高於女性;女性的整體態度與行為顯著高於男性。40歲以上的家長「能源知識」、「全球暖化的感受」、「對減碳的態度」、「減碳行為」【垃圾減量】與「倡導行為」顯著優於39歲以下之家長。學歷與家庭收入較高、親子關係非常好的家長知識、態度與行為皆較佳。家長節能減碳之知識、態度與行為之間呈現顯著正相關。 本研究之結果可做為親職教育推廣重點的參考,政府與教育單位可針對家長較不了解的知識、較負面之態度與表現較弱的行為,透過家長常獲得資訊的管道,例如:電視、報紙與網路等,提升家長節能減碳之知識、態度與行為。 |
英文摘要 | This study was aimed to survey parents’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards energy saving and carbon emission reduction in Taiwan elementary schools, and analyze related factors. Questionnaire survey was used to collect data. Participants included 5th and 6th graders and their parents from 21 randomly chosen elementary schools in central Taiwan (Taichung, Changhua, and Nantou). Totally 1,142 copies of questionnaires were distributed, 1,025 valid parent questionnaires were analyzed. The valid return rate was 89.75%. Descriptive statistics, t-tests, Anova, and correlation tests were used to analyze data. Results indicated parents' ratings of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors toward energy saving and carbon emission reduction were above average. Attitude scale had the highest score, and behavior scale had the lowest score. Parents’ average knowledge score (M=4.01, SD=.89) was close to “understand mostly (4)”; average attitude score (M=4.31, SD=.56) ranged between “agree (4)” and “strongly agree (5)”; and average behavior score (M=3.89, SD=.55) ranged between “sometimes (3)” and “often (4)”. Parents had better knowledge about “energy saving” and “CO2 reduction”, but were less familiar with “cause of global warming” such as greenhouse effects and greenhouse gases. Overall, parents had positive attitudes, however, when asked whether they were willing to pay more to buy energy-saving products, their ratings were slightly dropped. Parents had better behaviors in energy saving and CO2 reduction of food consumption, but were less good in behaviors such as bringing a handkerchief, using public transportation, and advocating. Main information sources of global warming, energy saving, and carbon emission reduction were television, newspaper, and internet, indicating that these are important media channels for promoting related policies. Parents in big (37 classes and above) and medium (13-36 classes) schools had better knowledge and attitudes than parents in small (12 classes and below) schools. Parents in big schools had better behaviors than parents in small schools. Parents in Taichung had better attitudes than parents in Changhua. Males had better “energy knowledge” than females. Females had better overall attitudes and behaviors than males. Parents of 40 years old and above had higher sores in “energy knowledge”, attitudes towards “global warming”, attitudes toward “carbon emission reduction”, “carbon emission reduction behaviors in reducing garbage”, and “advocate behaviors” than parents of 39 years or younger. Parents with higher education, family incomes, and very good parent-child relationships had higher ratings of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Parents’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors were singnificantly positively related to each other. Results suggest that parent education should focus on areas of lower ratings of parent knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Information should be conveyed through media channels such as television, newspaper, and internet to parents to enhance their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards energy saving and carbon emission reduction. |