題 名 | 武者小路実篤における儒教思想--武者小路の『論語私感』、『孔子』を通して=武者小路実篤的儒教思想--透過武者小路實篤的作品『論語私觀』、『孔子』做探討、Saneatsu Mushanokoji's Confucianist Thinking |
作 者 | 夏艷文; | 書刊名 | 台灣應用日語研究 |
卷 期 | 7 2010.07[民99.07] |
頁 次 | 頁68-98 |
分類號 | 131.3 |
關鍵詞 | 武者小路実篤; 儒教思想; 論語; 孔子; 仁愛; 武者小路實篤; 儒家思想; Mushanokoji; Confucianist thinking; Analects; Confucius; Philanthropy; |
語 文 | 日文(Japanese) |
中文摘要 | 研究武者小路實篤的學者通常都會提到他深受託爾斯泰、梅特林克、羅丹、惠特曼等西洋思想家的影響。不過,一些學者也認為他在中晚年期的思想已傾向回歸到東方的哲學思想。的確如此,筆者認為這應該和他在大正後期和昭和前期重讀論語並大量書寫東方賢哲偉人的傳記有關。 大正後期無產階級文學崛起,武者小路的作品為了經濟因素及繼續在文壇上爭取生存及發抒他個人理念的空間,他開始鑽研東西方的偉人及英雄人物,並開始撰寫他們的傳記。大正後期和昭和前期這段期間,武者小路陸續發表了十多篇有關孔子及論語的文章,其中[論語私觀]和[孔子]是以單行本方式出版。在這些文章中,武者小路以他個人的觀點及其語言風格對孔子的思想及論語做了詮釋和感想論述。除此之外,在他的作品中也經常引用論語中的經典名句來強化他個人的思想理念。本文即以儒家思想對武者小路的影響為題,論述儒家思想對武者小路的思想形成的影響。除了序言和結論之外,本文分別以五個章節來探討: 一.青少年時期的儒學教育 二.青年時期對西洋賢哲思想的崇拜及其思想的蛻變 三.傳記時期重新研讀論語 四.武者小路在撰寫『論語私觀』時的心境和態度 五.對論語語句認同和讚賞的部分以及不認同的地方 |
英文摘要 | It is commonly agreed by scholars studying Saneatsu Mushanokoji that Mushanokoji’s thinking is deeply affected by Tolstoy, Maeterlinck, Rodin and Whitman. However, some scholars declare that his thinking is characterized by eastern philosophy in the middle-late period of his life. I think this tendency has close relevance to his reading and writing of Eastern saints’ and philosophers’ biographical books in the late Taishou era and the early Showa era. The late Taishou era sees the rise of the proletarian literature and Mushanokoji starts to study and write about some heroic figures in both Western and Eastern countries because he wants to present his personal ideas in his works and survive the competitive literary world. He has published more than 10 articles on Confucius and Analects in the late Taishou era and the early Showa era, and the two articles entitled “Personal Comments on Analects” and “Confucius” are published without being compiled into books. In these articles, he reveals much admiration for Confucius’s philosophy and for the famous sayings extracted from Analects. Furthermore, he highlights some personal viewpoints in his works with the supportive quotations from Analects. This article aims to discuss the similarities and differences between Confucius’ and Mushanokoji’s thinking and ideas since Mushanokoji is greatly affected by Confucianist thinking. In addition to the preface and conclusion, this article consists of five sections as follows: 1.Confucianist education received in the teenager period 2.Changes in thinking due to Mushanokoji’s admiration for and influence by the Western saints’ and philosophers’ great philosophy in his teenager period 3.A re-study of Analects in writing biographical novels 4.The significant features in Mushanokoji’s articles about Confucius and Analects 5.Mushanokoji’s approvals and disapprovals of specific sayings extracted from Analects |