題 名 | 台湾における女性婚姻観の変容--植民地統治期の台湾文学作品を通して=在臺灣女性婚姻觀的轉變--以日治時期臺灣文學作品為例、The Change of Female's Marriage Viewpoint in Taiwan--Take Taiwanese Literary Works in Japanese Colonial Era for Example |
作 者 | 王曉芸; | 書刊名 | 台灣應用日語研究 |
卷 期 | 7 2010.07[民99.07] |
頁 次 | 頁19-43 |
分類號 | 544.3 |
關鍵詞 | 新たな女性像; 混血結婚; 恋愛結婚; 戦争協力; 自己試練; 新女性形象; 戀愛結婚; 戰爭協力; 自我淬煉; New female image; Mixed marriage; Love marriage; War cooperation; Self-quenching train; |
語 文 | 日文(Japanese) |
中文摘要 | 1920年代吹起的自由改革風潮影響了新知識人的思維,也讓台灣人對舊式的婚姻型態產生了新的省思。在20年代,隨著新知識人的鼓吹與文學作品的呈現,可以發現結婚的型態漸漸擺脫了「父母之命、媒妁之言」、買賣婚姻等舊式窠臼,轉而朝向對自由戀愛的追求與女性自我意識的覺醒。在舊式的社會價值觀(現實性)與家父長制(規範性)的雙重制約下,女性展現了最小限度的生存韌性。 對戀愛結婚的追求,到了30 年代更成為了女性自我淬練的方法和手段。面對婚姻的抉擇時,女性逐漸擺脫了啟蒙思想所設定的「男性=文化、女性=自然」的二元對立模式,漸漸蛻變為具有社會性的新女性形象。 到了40年代隨著戰爭局勢的日趨吃緊,「結婚」質變成為皇民練成運動的一環。受過日本語教育的女性,被設定為「日台共婚」的良好媒介,但這種混血結婚的策略式婚姻,也直接威脅到日本人主體性的存在,在異質性的排除與主體性的維持的兩難抉擇下,戰爭協力、皇民化以及優生學的論戰成為了這個時期對婚姻觀轉變的重要因素。 本篇論文將針對20年代到40年代的日治時期作品做分析,找出日治時期女性婚姻觀的轉變。 |
英文摘要 | The free revolutionary trend arose in 1920s influenced the New-knowledge people’s thoughts and it gave Taiwanese people new introspection toward the old marriage style.With the New-knowledge people’s promotion and the display of literary works in 1920s, we can find that the newmarriage style got rid of the old stereotype such as “parent orders and matchmaker’s words” and venal marriage and then turn to the pursuit of free love and the female’s awakening of self-consciousness.Under the dual restriction of old-fashioned social value (Realism) and paternalism (Normality), the female show the existence fortitude of minimum restriction. The pursuit for love and marriage became the female’s method and means to self-quenching train in 1930s.When facing the choice of marriage, the female gradually got rid of the set dual opposing mode of “male=culture, female=nature” in the enlightenment and turned step by step into the social new female images. With the tension of the war in 1940s, “marriage” metamorphosed into a part of imperial excels sports.The female with Japanese education were set up to be the excellent media of “Japan-Taiwan marriage”. However this kind of political mixed marriage also threatened the existence of Japanese subjectivity.In a dilemma of heterogeneous exclusion and subjective maintenance, the controversy among war cooperation, Kominka movement and eugenics became the important factors of marriage viewpoint transition during this period. The paper will analyze the works of Japanese Colonial Era from 1920s to 1940s and find out the transition of female’s marriage viewpoint in Japanese Colonial Era. |