- 未轉移之消化道類癌
- 喉部的非典型類癌--病例報告
- Carcinoid Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Chinese of Taiwan:An Analysis of Fifty Cases
- 淺談消化道神經內分泌腫瘤:最新病理分類及臨床預後評估
- 喉部非典型類癌合併肝臟轉移--病例報告
- 肺部典型類癌
- Duodenal Carcinoid Tumor with Bleeding: Report of a Case
- Atypical Carcinoid of the Thymus with Initial Presentation of Diffuse Bone Marrow Infiltration
- 吞入性上消化道異物移位至頸部--病例報告
- Watermelon Stomach--An Unusual Cause of Recurrent Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Uremic Patient Receiving Estrogen-Progesterone Therapy: Case Report