- 日本工手學校的設立及其畢業生的海外活動--以臺灣為中心的考察(1895~1905)
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- 久保文克著《植民地企業經營史論》評介 (東京:日本經濟評論社, 1997)
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題 名 | 日本工手學校的設立及其畢業生的海外活動--以臺灣為中心的考察(1895~1905)=The Establishment of Japan Workmen's School and the Works of the Graduates Abroad: Focus on Taiwan 1895~1905 |
作 者 | 蔡龍保; | 書刊名 | 興大歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 24 2012.06[民101.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-58 |
分類號 | 526.1931 |
關鍵詞 | 日治時期; 工手學校; 技術官僚; 臺灣總督府; 殖民; 土地調查; Japanese-ruled Period; Workmen's school; Technocrat; The General Governor of Taiwan; Colony; Land survey; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 日本在明治維新後邁向近代化、致力於殖產興業的過程中,欠缺技術人才,渡邊洪基等舊幕臣抱持「技術立國」的想法,與抱持「工業立國」的理念之民間企業家結合,成立工手學校。明治初期,不論是在官方推動的整備都市、敷設鐵路、擴充通信網、開築港灣等事業,或是在土木業、煤礦業等民間企業,皆可看到該校畢業生活躍於其中,展現「技術立國」和「工業立國」的角色與功能。值得注意的是,工手學校在日本國內達成「技術立國」、「工業立國」之使命後,隨著日本帝國對外擴張,進一步前往海外活動,發揮其長才。日本領有台灣後迄至日俄戰爭之前,來台發展是工手學校畢業生的優先選項之一。配合日治初期台灣總督府急於推動土地調查、鐵路、港灣、道路、上下水道、河川、埤圳等各項事業,土木科、建築科、機械科、採冶科畢業生大量來台覓職,10年間至少有130名畢業生來台,顯示該校是台灣總督府招募中層技術人才的重要來源之一。此一時期畢業生在臺任職集中於臺灣總督府官廳、海陸軍的土木、交通等相關單位,亦有少數活躍於礦業、土木業、建築業、製糖業等民間業界者。 |
英文摘要 | After Meiji reform, Japan endeavored to modernize herself and promoted industries, but lacked of technicians. Tokyo Imperial University's President Koki Watanabe and others who think should reconstruct Japan by technique cooperated with enterprisers who think should reconstruct Japan by industrialization to establish the Workmen's School. In the beginning of Meiji, graduates flourished both in the governmental infrastructure such as city planning, railways, communication, harbors and private enterprises such as construction companies, mining. The graduates surely played the roles in "reconstruct Japan by technique" and "reconstruct Japan by industrialization". Afterwards, they moreover worked overseas according to the expansion of Japan. From Japan occupied Taiwan to the Russo-Japanese War, graduates preferred to coming to Taiwan if they gone overseas. To cooperate with the General Governor of Taiwan to push forward the land investigations, railways, harbors, roads, waterworks, flood control works, reservoirs and irrigation systems, many graduates of departments such as Civil Engineering, architecture, Machinery, Mining, Metallurgy came to Taiwan for jobs. From1895 to1905, at least 130 graduates came to Taiwan, and it means that the Workmen's School is one of the important sources when the General Governor of Taiwan raised the medium technocrats. In this period, where graduates works converged in the General Governor of Taiwan and the civil engineer, transportation division of the military authorities, and part of graduates works in private enterprises such as mining, construction companies, builders, sugar companies. |