題 名 | 賄賂罪的「職務上行為」概念--兼評最高法院99年度臺上字第7078號判決=The Concept of Official Act in Bribery |
作 者 | 蕭宏宜; | 書刊名 | 東吳法律學報 |
卷 期 | 24:1 2012.07[民101.07] |
頁 次 | 頁87-119 |
分類號 | 585.24 |
關鍵詞 | 賄賂罪; 職務行為; 政治性貪污; 目的解釋; 類推適用; Bribery; Official act; Political corruption; Teleological interpretation; Analogy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 收賄罪的刑罰正當性在於保護國家行政的功能不會因為來自制度外部的攻擊,而導致制度內部的腐蝕,致影響人民對制度的信賴。問題在於,最高法院99年度台上字第7078號判決明顯打算透過密切關聯性或實質影響力的認定,將職務「外」之行為轉化為職務「上」之行為,更重要的是,將構成要件事實存在與否訴諸個案的操作,會否是打著信賴保護的法益之名,卻行類推適用之實?對不涉及阻卻犯罪或減免刑罰效果的構成要件做出目的性擴張解釋,除了懲罰性的制裁效果,無法解決貪污問題,遑論以犧牲罪刑法定與刑法最後手段原則作為解釋的代價。 |
英文摘要 | The legitimacy of bribery penalty is to protect the nation's administrative function from influences outside of the system which results in corruption and ruin the public's trust. The Supreme Court, instead of taking previous legal standards- the authority of the position as the official act- took ”close relevance or substantial impact” for the verdict. It turned the behaviors ”outside” of the position to the behaviors of the position and prosecuted the case by facts relating to the criminal elements. The underlying question is whether it lives up to the name of legal interests or is just an analogy? The teleological expansion of interpretation for constitutive requirements of exemption from criminal penalty or nonintervention of criminal prevention cannot solve corruption issues but just cause the effect of punitive sanction, let alone the cost of sacrificing crimes and punishment stipulated by law and principle of legality and ultima ratio of penalty for interpretation. |