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題 名 | 以瀰集演算法作分散式發電機組的最佳位置及容量大小設置=Optimal Sitting and Sizing of Distributed Generation by Using Memetic Algorithm |
作 者 | 梁瑞勳; 賴世育; | 書刊名 | 科技學刊. 科技類 |
卷 期 | 20:1 2011.10[民100.10] |
頁 次 | 頁1-9 |
分類號 | 448.115 |
關鍵詞 | 分散式發電; 瀰集演算法; 區域搜尋; 配電系統規劃; Distributed generation; Memetic algorithm; Local search; Distribution system planning; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文提出一整合基因演算法及區域搜尋法的混合方法解分散式發電的位置及容量大小設置問題。為了提供用戶可靠及經濟的服務,電力公司的配電系統規劃員須用心的去決定最佳的擴充策略。配電系統規劃員須了解幾年後負載的成長情形,然後預估在某個尖載情況之下,其供電容量將超過其限制。在投資的選擇上,若受限於變電所及饋電線的擴充,那麼規劃員將思考一些可行的解決方案,而分散式發電對於解決配電系統的容量擴充問題是一種新的選擇。分散式發電是連接於現存電力傳輸系統中的配電等級,其最大優點之一是已模組化,能夠快速方便的連接於配電系統中。且它們直接裝設在負載中心旁,以直接供給電力,大幅降低了線路傳輸損失。我們提出一種新的方法稱為瀰集演算法,以區域搜尋精煉出個體的區域最佳解,且進行個體間資訊的互相傳遞,如此,全域最佳解就容易被找到。為了驗證所提方法的可行性,一 31個匯流排的系統被使用且與其他多種方法作比較,由結果可知本方法可以有效的得到一近似最佳解。 |
英文摘要 | This paper presents a hybrid solution methodology integrating genetic algorithm with a local search method for the distributed generation (DG) sitting and sizing problem. Utility distribution system planners attempt to determine optimal expansion strategies to provide reliable, economical service. Distribution planners chart the load growth for several years and then estimate when a capacity limit will be exceeded at some peak loading condition. If investment options are restricted to substation or feeder expansion, planners then consider a few feasible alternatives for solving the problem. DG is one new option being promoted for solving utility distribution system capacity problems. DG technologies are connected to existing electric power delivery systems at the distribution level. One of their significant benefits is that they are modular enough to be conveniently integrated within electric distribution systems. And they are installed near load centers directly to supply power and further to reduce the transmission power losses. We propose a novel method called Memetic algorithm (MA) with local search procedures to refine local optimal solutions for all individuals and exchanging the good information between individuals. So the global optimal solution can be found easily. To validate the feasibility of the proposed method, a 31-bus system is taken and compared with several different methods. The results revealed that the proposed method is very effective in reaching a more nearly optimal solution. |