題 名 | 以飛行品質建立直昇機之落艦飛行包絡區=Helicopter/Ship Recovery Flight Envelope Set by Flying Qualities |
作 者 | 孔健君; 黃志偉; | 書刊名 | 中正嶺學報 |
卷 期 | 41:1(A) 2012.05[民101.05] |
頁 次 | 頁187-200 |
分類號 | 598.69 |
關鍵詞 | 艦載直昇機; 直昇機飛行品質; 直昇機動態模擬; 飛行包絡區; Flight safe operating envelope; Flying qualities; Helicopter/ship dynamic interface; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文闡明了藉由模擬建立直昇機落艦飛行安全包絡區之架構與相關理論,包括將直昇機數學模型結合船舶動態,發展出直昇機落艦之動態模擬系統,並建立飛行甲板穩態風場與陣風風場環境,及分析不同海象下船速與海浪周期對船艦運動之影響;利用極點配置法設計三組直昇機飛行控制器,由飛行品質ADS-33 Quickness Criteria之差異,類比三組不同駕駛技術之飛行員;並搜羅了現有文獻與實際訪談,綜整出依操縱餘量之限制條件來定義飛行包絡區。本文模擬了不同海象與不同飛行品質下之落艦飛行包絡區,並分析兩者對包絡區之影響。本文模擬結果與實際包絡區比較,發現不論在趨勢與數值上皆呈現相近且合理的結果,顯示本文模擬架構有其價值及實用性,可作為實際試飛取得飛行包絡區之參考,並預測落艦安全性。 |
英文摘要 | In this paper, the investigation of onboard helicopter flight safe operating envelopes in different kinds of sea conditions set by flying qualities during landing are of particular interest. Firstly, incorporating the six degree-of-freedom equations of motion and the steady-state airwake on the flight deck, the helicopter /ship recovery model is established. Next, we analyze the influence of ship speed and wave cycle to the ship motions in different kinds of sea conditions. Third, three kinds of controller are designed by flight quality to simulate the driving technologies and experiences. The Quickness Criteria flight qualities in ADS-33 are introduced to determine the closed loop poles for the three control systems. Fourth, we define the theoretical flight safe operating envelope of onboard helicopter and the simulation processes to determine the theoretical flight safe operating envelope for helicopter landing on a ship. Finally, the differences of the theoretical flight safe operating envelopes in different kinds of sea conditions and controllers are studied. This paper is expected to be helpful to the pilot training, flight safety and analysis of the margin of the helicopter/ship flight safe operating envelope. |