題 名 | 虛擬團隊中電子化領導替代可行性之驗證=The Substitution of E-leadership in Virtual Team |
作 者 | 王精文; 范凱棠; 廖述嘉; | 書刊名 | 資訊管理學報 |
卷 期 | 19:2 2012.04[民101.04] |
頁 次 | 頁217-247 |
分類號 | 494.2 |
關鍵詞 | 虛擬團隊; 電子化領導; 創造思考能力; 問題解決能力; Virtual team; E-leadership; Creativity; Problem-solving ability; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 虛擬團隊因時空的距離,往往需靠電子化的溝通和資訊技術來完成工作,在虛擬團隊中,虛擬領導者不需面對面的領導方式,因此在虛擬環境下,當工作任務可規則化、回饋內容可依激勵語言預先設定,虛擬領導者是否可被替代?本研究從領導替代的觀點探討虛擬團隊中領導者運用激勵語言理論如何影響團隊成員的問題解決與創意思考行為。研究採前、後測有實驗組與對照組之實驗設計,隨機將所有受試者分配至真人領導(29組)與電子化領導(26組)兩種實驗情境,令所有受試者進行為期一個月的虛擬線上會議討論。真人領導組係由29位接受過領導激勵語言訓練的企業在職生領導者根據其帶領之成員之不同表現進行領導信之撰寫,而電子化領導組則係由研究者根據激勵語言理論與帶領之成員的表現,所撰寫出的領導信函。研究結果顯示,接受電子化領導情境領導的成員,對於領導者激勵語言使用的知覺顯著高於接受真人領導者領導情境下的成員,此研究證實在虛擬環境下,電子化領導可替代真人領導的可行性。 |
英文摘要 | Work is accomplished through electronic communication and information technologies in virtual team due to distance and time differences. In virtual team, the leader has a different leadership style, E-leadership, from the face-to-face leadership. Hence, in the context of virtual team, we examined whether the virtual team leader could be substituted when the task was systematized and feedbacks were set up by motivational languages. This study investigated how E-leader influenced team members' problem solving and creative behavior with motivational languages. Fifty-five student groups were enrolled in a laboratory experiment with pre-test and post-test design. The leadership behavior was manipulated as E-leadership (26 groups, conducted by email with leadership motivating language) and true leadership (29 groups, conducted by EMBA leaders). The results indicated that the acknowledgement of motivating language was significantly higher in the E-leadership condition than in the true leadership condition. |