題 名 | 趙至〈與嵇茂齊書〉疑雲辨析=An Analysis of the Doubt about Zhao Zhi's "To Ji Mao-qi" |
作 者 | 朱曉海; | 書刊名 | 東華中文學報 |
卷 期 | 4 2011.12[民100.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-24 |
分類號 | 856.1 |
關鍵詞 | 嵇康; 呂安; 趙至; 嵇蕃; Ji Kang; Lü An; Zhao Zhi; Ji Fan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 許多歷史事件都缺乏詳細的記述,確實有賴後人以想像填補線索間的空隙,串接彼此間的關係,但發揮想像的首要前提乃正確理解那些線索的文義,其次得受到既知的歷史現象約束,縱使不同觀點可能會引生不同理解,也需要將所有既知的相關歷史現象一一重新解釋,否則,就淪為虛構線索、羅織一幅烏有的圖像了。唐朝己降,某些學人將趙至〈與嵇茂齊書〉誤解為呂安寫給嵇康的信,即為上述探討歷史事件的不良案例之一,是以本文選取它為課題,分四小節詳加辨明。 |
英文摘要 | The lack of detailed account s of many historical events gives rise to imagination done by later generations to fill the gap between the signs in order to explain their relationship. However, for such imagination, the most import ant prerequisite is that it must be based on a correct understanding of the cont ext of the clues. Moreover, it must be bound by the known historical phenomena. In other words, though varied perspectives may lead to differences in understanding the context, they should try to reinterpret the known, related historic al phenomena or they create nothing but fictitious signs, an image that is groundless. That some scholars after the Tang Dynasty mistook "To Ji Mao-qi" by Zhao Zhi as a letter to Ji Kang written by Lü An provides us with an example of the case I have just pointed out regarding discussion of historical events. The doubt about "To Ji Mao-qi" and the poor historical discussion are the subject of my analysis of Zao Zhi's letter, which is divided into four parts in this paper. |