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題 名 | 俄羅斯的民主抉擇與統治菁英權力結構變化=Russia's Democratic Choice and the Structural Changes of Power Elites |
作 者 | 許菁芸; 宋鎮照; | 書刊名 | 東吳政治學報 |
卷 期 | 29:4 2011.12[民100.12] |
頁 次 | 頁117-175 |
分類號 | 574.48 |
關鍵詞 | 俄羅斯; 民主; 半總統制; 菁英; 中央再集權; Russia; Democracy; Semi-presidentialism; Elite; Recentralization; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「梅普共治」中普金的強勢總理角色,無論在形象上或權力上似乎都超越了總統梅德維傑夫。要如何去解釋俄羅斯半總統制高度人治的現象,是個極為有趣的議題。憲政法規與政黨政治之制度性因素對於解釋俄羅斯高度人治現象是否具有一定的分析張力?抑或是非制度性因素,也就是普金所領導之統治菁英派系與權力傾軋更能對俄羅斯該特有現象提供不同層次的思考?因此,本文焦點是放在統治菁英權力層級的結構與缺陷,並探討其權力消長與變化,進而影響俄羅斯民主制度和政治體制的改變,分析普金政權之權力層級與權力層級的推手-俄羅斯資源型經濟,並由此導出為何普金會在2008年將總統職位交與梅德維傑夫,自己退居總理職位,卻能在未修憲的情況下,讓總理之權高於總統。最後,並試圖建構俄羅斯人民的民主抉擇模型來導出普金架構的統治菁英是否成功地以中央集權政策將權力集中於莫斯科中央,而俄羅斯民主抉擇的變項會對俄羅斯的半總統制與民主的未來會產成何種影響,皆是本文想探討的問題。 |
英文摘要 | In 2008, Russian President Vladimir Putin left the presidency in accordance with the constitution, which forbids more than two consecutive periods in office. He has now become prime minister, but neither the power nor the image he had seems to have gone beyond the President. While the nature of his relationship with the new president, Dmitry Medvedev, remains a question mark to Russians, the power elites and groups surrounding Putin play an important role in the process of power consolidation, since they try to ensure that their patron demonstrate a greater political profile. Therefore, this paper focuses on the ruling-elite power structure and its defects, fluctuation and changes of the elite structure, which thereby affects Russia's democratic development and the political system, trying to analyze the power hierarchy and its boost, resource-based economy. Finally, the authors try to construct a model of Russia's democratic choice to explain the policy of recentralization, which is conducted by the ruling elites of the Putin Regime, and to analyze the variables of the model which will affect semi-presidentialism and the future development of democracy in Russia. |