題 名 | 臺灣智慧型運輸系統產業群聚關鍵因素之探討=The Study on Critical Factors for Industrial Cluster of Intelligent Transportation Systems Industry in Taiwan |
作 者 | 許鉅秉; 林素如; 辛世傑; | 書刊名 | 運輸學刊 |
卷 期 | 24:1 2012.03[民101.03] |
頁 次 | 頁25-52 |
分類號 | 557.1 |
關鍵詞 | 智慧型運輸系統; 產業群聚; 模糊層級分析法; 關鍵因素; Intelligent transportation systems; ITS; Industrial cluster; Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process; Fuzzy AHP; Key factor; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國於2008年底提出「愛臺十二建設」,其中「產業創新走廊」係針對15項產業進行創新能量與產業發展之調查研究,並提出產業群聚推動策略,其中包含智慧型運輸系統(ITS)相關產業,政府為ITS相關產業制定產業群聚政策時,應將有限資源運用於該產業群聚形成之關鍵因素上,以創造產業競爭之優勢。本研究運用模糊德菲法與模糊層級分析法分析ITS產業群聚之關鍵因素及其對應之權重,提供政府推動ITS相關產業群聚決策之參考。本研究顯示「落實國家智慧型運輸基礎建設(NITI)方案」、「現有ITS資源整合」、「交通運輸系統」、「高素質人才」及「ITS產品之採購、推廣措施」等五項關鍵因素為ITS產業群聚形成最重要之關鍵因素。 |
英文摘要 | The Republic of China announced a program called "i-Taiwan 12 Projects". In that program, the "Industrial Innovation Corridors" project will focus on 15 kinds of different industries, study their innovation capacity and industrial development, and recommend strategies for promoting "industry clusters", including the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) industry. However, it's very important to allocate the limited resources among the "key factors" of industrial cluster for the ITS industry. Therefore, this study constructs a conceptual framework for evaluating the "key factors" of industrial cluster for the ITS industry. This study constructs the hierarchical structure of the key factors of industrial cluster for the ITS industry based on five aspects: The government, human resources, technical resources, related and supporting industries, and infrastructures. The study outcome helps us to have an insight into the ITS industrial cluster in Taiwan. Moreover, the result of the study provides objective and systematic information for the government offices and the ITS-related enterprises. |