題 名 | 環狀剝皮與勒束對‘黑葉’荔枝根生長與葉片及根養分濃度之影響=Effects of Girdling and Strangulation on Root Growth and Nutrient Concentrations of 'Haak Yip' Litchi Leaves and Roots |
作 者 | 陳銘至; 熊同銓; 張祖亮; 李金龍; 陳右人; 阮素芬; | 書刊名 | 臺灣園藝 |
卷 期 | 57:3 2011.09[民100.09] |
頁 次 | 頁231-242 |
分類號 | 435.344 |
關鍵詞 | 環刻; 勒束; 荔枝; 根生長; Girdling; Strangulation; Litchi; Root growth; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 盆栽「黑葉」荔枝在主幹上環刻或勒束,或不處理以為對照,然後比較其根之生長與根及葉片內養分含量之差異。無論環刻或勒束,與對照植株比較,均顯著降低新生根之發生數、平均根長、根總長、鮮重及乾重。處理後,初期環刻組影響程度者略低於勒束組,但處理四個半月後,勒束組反而影響低於環刻組,而兩組間差異未達統計上P≦0.05之顯著程度。兩處理亦可改變樹體內營養要素與碳水化合物之分配。處理組葉片中磷、鈣、鎂等要素含量降低,鉀則增加。處理組之碳水化合物會累積處理部位上方之葉片中,而根內碳水化合物因篩管運輸受阻,而導致含量下降。勒束解除後兩個月,新生之根數、平均根長、根總長、鮮重與乾重均與對照相同,且顯著高於環刻組。樹幹解除勒束後,能完全恢復生長,且恢復期間根之生長量優於其他兩處理。環刻對荔枝根之生長影響期間較長,勒束則在勒束期間對根生長之影響與環刻相若,但在解除勒束後兩個月之內,根之生長量即可恢復到與對照組相同。 |
英文摘要 | Potted 'Haak Yip' Litchi trees were girdled, or strangulated with steel wires, or untreated as control. The root growth and leaf and root carbohydrate and mineral nutrients contents were monitored afterward. Both girdling and strangulation significantly affected new root growth, reflected in the number of roots, mean root length, total root length, fresh weight and dry weight. The affect of girdling tended to be more pronounced than that of strangulation, although the differences between the two treatments were often statistically insignificant at the P ≦ 0.05 level. Girdling and strangulation also affected trees resumed quickly and even carbohydrates and mineral nutrients contents in leaves and roots. The root growth of strangulated surpassed the control trees after the removal of strangulation wires. Strangulated plants and control plants had almost the same number of new roots, mean new root length, total new root length, and new root fresh and dry weights, when evaluated 2 months after the removal of strangulation wires. Although girdling and strangulation had similar effects on root growth shortly after the treatment, the latter recovered very soon after the steel wires were removed. |