題 名 | 不同環境溫度對泌乳母豬繁殖性能及氮與能量消化率之影響=Effects of Different Ambient Temperatures on the Reproductive Performance and Nitrogen and Energy Digestibilities of Lactating Sows |
作 者 | 廖宗文; 蕭合芬; 楊璻菁; 李恒夫; | 書刊名 | 畜產研究 |
卷 期 | 43:4 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁285-295 |
分類號 | 437.654 |
關鍵詞 | 環境溫度; 泌乳母豬; 繁殖性能; 氮與能量消化率; Ambient temperature; Lactating sows; Reproductive performance; Nitrogen and energy digestibilities; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討不同環境溫度對泌乳母豬繁殖性能及氮與能量消化率之影響。使用低、中和高溫三間環控豬舍,設定恒溫20℃、25℃ 和 30℃ 三種環境溫度處理,總共 18 頭泌乳期藍瑞斯母 豬,依分娩順序先後分置於不同環控室,每處理組 6 頭。分娩後約 7-10 日,母豬連同哺育仔豬移置於環控室內至 28 日離乳,於代謝架上適應三天後,記錄每日飼料採食量。移入後約一週,每日記錄母豬肛門溫度、呼吸數兩次(AM 9:00、PM 1:00),並收集糞便、尿液,持續 5 日,計算飼料氮及能量消化率。試驗開始時與分娩後第 28 日離乳結束後,母豬秤量體重及背脂厚度,另採取血液樣品分析血液成分。仔豬於試驗前及試驗後秤量體重,評估不同環境溫度下哺乳仔豬增重及育成率。試驗結果顯示,低、中和高溫三組母豬之直腸溫度分別為 38.63、38.88 和 39.05 ℃,組間無明顯差異;而呼吸數為 33.86、46.9 和 65.53 次/分,30℃ 之高溫組顯著地較高(P < 0.01)。高溫組泌乳母豬每日飼料採食量顯著較低(P < 0.05),而體重與背脂厚度的減少量有較高趨勢,不同處理組間氮和能量消化率,無顯著差異。母豬血液中之肌酸酐、葡萄糖、血尿素氮及免疫球蛋白濃度,低和中溫組與高溫組在試驗開始及結束時無顯著差異。不同環境溫度對哺乳仔豬生長及育成率並無顯著影響。本試驗結果顯示,30℃ 恆溫環境對泌乳母豬造成熱緊迫,低飼料採食量使體重與背脂厚度減少量增加,然而仔豬於哺乳期增重及育成率則不受影響,表示高溫環境下泌乳母豬分解 本身體組織以哺育仔豬。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different ambient temperatures on the reproductive performance, nitrogen and energy digestibilities of lactating sows. A total of 18 lactating sows were allocated into 3 groups which were respectively raised in ambient chambers with constant ambient temperatures of 20℃, 25℃ and 30℃. Sows were brought into metabolic crate about 8 d after farrowing. Nitrogen and energy digestibilities were measured and rectal temperature and respiration rate were recorded. Blood sample was taken before experiment and when experiment finished. The result showed that the feed intake was reduced when sows were raised in 30℃ compared to 20℃. The rectal temperature of sows in chambers of 20℃, 25℃ and 30℃ were 38.63, 38.88 and 39.05 ℃, respectively. Nevertheless, the respiration rates of sows were 33.86, 46.9 and 65.5 time/min which were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by ambient temperature. There were no difference in nitrogen and energy digestibilities of sows in different temperature groups. The blood creatinine concentration of sows in 30℃ group was higher than 25℃ and 20℃ before and after experiment. No difference was found in growth and survival rate of piglet among different temperature groups. In conclusion, the ambient temperature at 30℃ was a heat stress for lactating sows and sows had to catabolically mobilize the body tissues to provide the nutrients required for the growth of nursing piglet. |