題 名 | 社區大學新移民議題融入媒體技巧課程經驗之個案研究=On the Experiences of Infusing Issues of New Immigrants Into a Community College Curriculum: A Case Study of a Civic Journalists Workshop |
作 者 | 徐敏雄; | 書刊名 | 教育實踐與研究 |
卷 期 | 24:2 2011.12[民100.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-31 |
分類號 | 528.64 |
關鍵詞 | 社區大學; 跨文化理解; 媒體技巧; 融入式課程; Community college; Intercultural understanding; Media skills; Infusion curriculum; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究採取個案研究方法,運用非結構式訪談及作品檢核等資料蒐集與分析策略,探究社區大學師生參與新移民議題融入媒體技巧課程的經驗,以瞭解融入式課程的參與經驗對於提升師生融入式課程設計、媒體操作技巧和跨文化理解等知識技能的關連性。基本上,台灣社區大學的辦學目標均設定在「知識解放、邁向公民社會」,亦即要讓教科書中的套裝知識能與生活經驗相互對話,重拾生活經驗的重要性與價值性,並培養學員具備參與公共事務的公民素養。但鑑於本課程授課講師過去的教學經驗甚少深入在地生活經驗,所以本次課程特地將在地新移民的生活議題融入既有網路媒體技巧之中,並採取融入議題與主軸課程彼此對話、相互修正的融入原則進行課程設計與教學,讓師生們有更多機會將課堂所學運用在現實生活之中,進而關心在地多元文化議題。整套課程執行下來共延續三個月,平均每兩周上課 3小時;學員人數共有 12位,其中 11位是女性,學歷涵蓋小學至大學畢業。根據本研究結果顯示,融入式課程的操作模式不僅能提升社大師生們的媒體技巧和跨文化理解能力,亦可強化講師融入式課程設計相關知能,可作為未來其他社大推動融入式課程之參考依據。 |
英文摘要 | This research adopted a case study approach, where data was collected through unstructured interviews and checklists, to investigate the implementation process of infusing issues of new immigrants into a civic journalists workshop and to explore its impacts on participants’ media skills and intercultural understanding abilities in a community college. Basically, the educational goals of community college were "knowledge liberation and civil society development". By using instructional strategies based on three kinds of infusion principles, this three-month curriculum was designed to provide training in media skills and cultivate in-depth understanding about the living conditions of new immigrants. Twelve participants (11 of whom were women) attended the class where they meet 3 hours every two weeks. The educational backgrounds of these participants range from having a college degree to ones who are elementary school graduates. The results of this study shows that infusion curriculum indeed helped the learners raise intercultural understanding and media skills, and the instructor was allowed to improve her professional knowledge and competence about infusion curriculum design. Based on these findings, some suggestions were proposed for further infusion curriculum implementation and research. |