題 名 | 現行大專申訴制度之研究 : 以大學及專科學校學生申訴案處理原則為中心=The Research on the Current University and College Student Grievance Appealing Systems in the Context of Guidelines Regarding the University and College Student Grievance Process |
作 者 | 丘慶駿; | 書刊名 | 德明學報 |
卷 期 | 33:2 2009.12[民98.12] |
頁 次 | 頁47-69 |
分類號 | 525.63 |
關鍵詞 | 學生權益; 學生權利救濟; 學生申訴制度; 教示義務; Student petition; Students rights of relief; Student appeal system; Teaching and advisory obligations; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文依據司法院大法官會議釋字第三八二號解釋及大學法之精神(大專學生申訴制度之法源),針對教育部為了協助各大學校院建立學生申訴制度,函頒之「大學暨專科學校學生申訴案處理原則」內容,從學理、實務面逐一探討教育部要求各校學生申訴處理辦法應「報請教育部核定」後施行之合法性、申訴評議委員會成員是否應納入學生代表之必要性、學生申訴次數之限制、申訴評議書中「教示義務」內容、申訴程序之中止及例外規定是否衝突、申評會之會議方式、評議決定書之效力…等議題是否有缺失並提出研究心得,以供業務主管機關及各校日後修正相關規定之參考。 |
英文摘要 | This research on “Guidelines Regarding the University and College Student Grievance Process” issued by the Ministry of Education to establish student appeal systems in each university and college focuses on the Explanation 382 made by Justices of the Constitutional Court, Judicial Yuan and the University Law which provides guidelines of establishing university and college students’ appeal systems. This research examines theories, regulations, and practices regarding the validity of students’ appeal regulations in each university and college demanded to be ratified by the Ministry of Education, the necessity of student representatives required to become members of the Board of Student Appeals, the restriction of number of appeals made by the students, the requirement of “Teaching and Advisory Obligations” in the decisions made by the Boards, the conflicts between processes in the appealing for suspension and exception, the regulated ways of meeting held by the Board, the effects of decisions made by the Board…etc to see the shortcomings of students’ appeal systems. This study then offers suggestions to the Ministry of Education and each university and college for amending these laws and regulations. |