- 兩棲類新興疾病蛙屬病毒(Ranavirus)感染症
- 兩棲類胚胎死亡原因之探討
- 陽明山天母古道及周邊步道野生動植物資源調查研究
- Microarray Analyses of Reptiles and Amphibians: Applications in Ecology and Evolution
- 兩棲類的覓食
- Taxonomic Studies of Parasitic Nyctotherans from Chinese Anura Amphibians (Ⅲ): Wichtermania
- Taxonomic Studies of Parasitic Nyctotherans from Chinese Anura Amphibians (Ⅳ): Spirocytopharynxa gen. nov. and Macrocytopharynxa gen. nov.
- 中國的兩棲類及經濟兩棲類的養殖
- 兩棲類的飼養管理
- Annual Patterns of Nuptial Pad and Vocal Sac Development in the Male Chinese Bullfrog (Rana rugulosa Wiegmann)