- Classifier Modeling and Numerical Taxonomy of Actinidia (Actinidiaceae) in Taiwan
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題 名 | Classifier Modeling and Numerical Taxonomy of Actinidia (Actinidiaceae) in Taiwan=臺灣原生獼猴桃數值分類與分類定模之研究 |
作 者 | 謝東佑; 古訓銘; 簡慶德; 劉雲聰; | 書刊名 | Botanical Studies |
卷 期 | 52:3 2011.07[民100.07] |
頁 次 | 頁337-357 |
分類號 | 435.39 |
關鍵詞 | 貝氏判別分析; 臺灣植物誌; 熱量圖; 邏輯式迴歸分類法; 漸滲雜交; 親緣分析; Actinidia; Bayesian discriminant analysis; Flora of Taiwan; Heat map; Logistic regression classifier; Introgressive hybridization; Phylogenetic analysis; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 獼猴桃為世界重要原生果樹之一,然而其形態性狀極為複雜,長期以來造成分類、命名混亂與鑑定上的困難。本研究使用60個形態性狀,調查72個包含成熟雌、雄株在內的台灣野生獼猴桃族群,作為分類運算單元。以高爾相似性係數計算族群間相似度,進行親緣分析,並將熱量圖排序後,得出五個明顯的類群斑塊,並發現介於台灣羊桃與硬齒獼猴桃之間的駝齒獼猴桃與腺齒獼猴桃漸滲雜交族群。依此結果進行指示反應矩陣編碼,再進行各種分類模型的性狀選擇與定模,以邏輯式迴歸模型作為二類分類模型,貝氏判別模型作為多類分類模型,並用這些分類模型對國內外各標本館的重要獼猴桃標本進行結合性判別分析,以確認各分類群學名使用之適確性。分析結果顯示,台灣共有四種一變種之原生獼猴桃,因此將台灣植物誌第二版中記載的硬齒獼猴桃(Actinidia callosa)訂正為腺齒獼猴桃(A. rufa),駝齒獼猴桃(A. callosa var. ephippioidea)併入腺齒獼猴桃中,而紅莖獼猴桃(A. rubricaulis)則訂正為異色獼猴桃(A. callosa var. discolor),台灣羊桃(A. chinensis var. setosa)提升為台灣特有種;另台灣產四萼獼猴桃(A. tetramera)之紀錄,則為軟棗獼猴桃(A. arguta)鑑定之誤,應予以更正。 |
英文摘要 | Although kiwifruit (Actinidia) is popular worldwide, its complex morphology has resulted in long-standing confusion regarding its nomenclature, classification, and identification. In an attempt to resolve this issue, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis on 72 wild Actinidia accessions in Taiwan. We used 60 morphological characters as taxonomic traits to construct a seriated heat map that revealed A. callosa var. ephippioidea and A. rufa (sensu Flora of Taiwan, 2nd Edition) as introgressive hybrids between A. chinensis var. setosa and A. callosa (sensu Flora of Taiwan, 2nd Edition), as well as five significant groups of Actinida in Taiwan. Based on these results, we coded the indicator response matrix for the logistic regression models as dichotomizers and used a Bayesian discriminant model as a polychotomizer. After classifier modeling, the two classifiers were combined to identify Actinidia specimens in domestic and international herbaria. As a result, a taxonomic revision was made: A. callosa var. callosa and A. callosa var. ephippioidea were revised as A.rufa; A. rubricaulis was revised as A. callosa var. discolor; A. chinensis var. setosa was elevated to A. setosa;and A. tetramera was a misidentification of A. arguta. Of these, only A. setosa is endemic to Taiwan. |