題 名 | 神話.變形.冥契.隱喻--老莊的肉身之道與隱喻之道=Myth, Transformation, Mysticism, and Metaphors: Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi's Metaphors Related to Bodies |
作 者 | 賴錫三; | 書刊名 | 臺大中文學報 |
卷 期 | 33 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-3+5-44 |
分類號 | 121.3 |
關鍵詞 | 老子; 莊子; 隱喻; 神話; 冥契主義; 氣; 變形; 身體; Lao Zi; Zhuang Zi; Metaphor; Myth; Mysticism; Qi; Transformation; Body; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 老莊的冥契經驗難以概念語言傳達,一旦表達便要考慮如何不落入對象化的膠著,爲了克服道與言的背反困境,不得不有語言的妙用創發,如此便有詩性隱喻的發明。本文認爲老莊的隱喻表達並非修辭層次,也不只是知識論層次的認知,它具有開顯道的存有論意義,道的流動本性決定了它的語言朗現模式,所以道言自然是隱喻模式。道開顯湧現的歷程便是不斷跨域、互滲、融攝的氣化運動,這正是隱喻的基本精神,可說道是隱喻的存有論基礎,而語言跨域現象得以自然而然地進行,正因世界本來就是氣化融贯相含相攝的天籟世界,所以語言的隱喻現象反映了世界的物化現象、人心的遊戲現象。本文試圖論證:道和隱喻的同質性。其次,本文認爲有關老莊的冥契之道和隱喻之道,在思維方式和意象選擇上,一方面承續神話思維的跨域融合之隱喻精神,另一方面也避開了隱喻被實體化的陷阱。最後,本文說明老莊如何透過具體意象來做爲來源域,透過這些原型意象而使人們對抽象玄遠的道(目標域),得到親切的意義映射。這些分殊的具體意象之來源域,共同映射出道的意蘊,也因爲經由多元物象的映射過程,促使人們對道的無盡藏意蘊有了情意性的觸感。萬物成爲道的肉身化隱喻,這是一個「道法自然」的力顯、聖顯世界,自然萬物成爲道的最佳隱喻。 |
英文摘要 | Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi's mystical experiences can only be expressed without being objectified so it is difficult to develop them into concepts or convey them via languages. In order to overcome the opposition between the Tao and languages, Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi invented an intricate language form: the poetic metaphor. This metaphorical expression cannot be understood as rhetoric or knowledge but a medium for expressing the Tao's existentialist meaning. Since the Tao's flowing character determines its linguistic manifestation, this paper attempts to theorize the similarity between the Tao and metaphors. Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi's metaphors with mysticism succeeded the use of metaphor in Chinese mythology, which integrated many different fields when avoiding embodying the metaphors. By using concrete images as prototypes (the source realm) to indicate the meaning of the abstract Tao (the target realm), Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi enable readers to contact the infinity of the Tao emotionally. |