題 名 | 牟宗三先生老子詮釋析論=A Discussion on Mou Zongsan's Interpretation of Laozi |
作 者 | 馬耘; | 書刊名 | 人文與社會學報 |
卷 期 | 2:8 2011.06[民100.06] |
頁 次 | 頁79-96 |
分類號 | 121.31 |
關鍵詞 | 牟宗三; 老子; 境界型態形而上學; 徼向性; 有無; Mou Zongsan; Laozi; Visionary metaphysics; Directivity; Being and nothingness; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在就牟宗三先生對老子哲學之詮釋及其見解,提出若干討論。牟宗三先生將老子哲學詮釋為某種「境界型態之形而上學」,此種獨特之詮釋深受學界重視,然亦引起若干正反面之討論。本文以「文獻之融貫性」及「理論內部解析之一致性」兩項判準,作為考量牟宗三先生之詮釋是否為一妥當之老子詮釋。本文首先就「反者道之動」、「不生之生」與積極作為、虛極靜篤之修養工夫三者,討論牟先生之詮釋是否可融貫解釋相關之《老子》文獻。其次,就「道」之「徼向性」及「主觀實踐境界可否應世」等兩問題,對牟先生理論作一分析,並討論其主張是否有解釋及推演上之困難。經本文之討論,初步認為牟先生對老子之解釋確有若干說明上之困難,此皆有待學者再加深究。 |
英文摘要 | This article is meant to discuss Mou Zongsan's interpretation and insight about Laozi's philosophy. Mou interpreted Laozi's philosophy as some sort of ”visionary metaphysics,” and such interpretation has been highly valued by the academic circle, prompting both positive and negative discussions. The goal of this article is to examine whether Mou's interpretation of Laozi is proper by means of two criteria, the ”thorough understanding of the related documents” and the ”coherence of the internal analysis about the theory.” Here the writer discusses if Mou's interpretation thoroughly explicates the related documents of Laozi regarding ”reversals the movement of Tao,” ”generation and transformation of things on their own” and aggressiveness, ”emptiness and void.” Then, we analyze Mou's theory in view of the ”directivity of Tao” and whether ”subjective practical state of mind can correspond to the world,” while discussing if there are any explanatory and deductive difficulties with Mou's claims. After all this discussion, it is preliminarily assumed that there are indeed some explanatory difficulties with Mou's explanation of Laozi, which is in need of further inquiry. |