題 名 | 水上安全救生訓練參與者之社會支持、參與動機與阻礙因素對涉入程度之影響研究=The Relationships among Social Support, Participation Motivation, Barrier and Involvement for Lifeguard Training Participators |
作 者 | 高群超; | 書刊名 | 運動休閒管理學報 |
卷 期 | 8:1 2011.06[民100.06] |
頁 次 | 頁209-227 |
分類號 | 528.96 |
關鍵詞 | 救生訓練; 社會支持; 參與動機; 阻礙因素; 涉入程度; Lifeguard training; Social support; Participation motivation; Barrier; Involvement; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的在比較不同背景變項之紅十字會南區救生員社會支持、參與動機、阻礙因素與涉入程度之差異情形,並驗證社會支持、參與動機、阻礙因素對涉入程度之影響關係。本研究以紅十字會南區救生員為研究對象,經立意取樣進行問卷調查總共發放220份問卷,回收有效問卷214份,有效回收率97.2%。資料進行分析後,研究結果顯示:(一)參與水上安全救生訓練以男性為主,年齡階層主要是18-30歲,取得證照時間以五年以上居多佔57.5%,救生證等級部份以擁有救生教練證者居多佔58.9%。(二)救生員性別、教育程度與職業變項在社會支持、參與動機、阻礙因素與涉入程度皆未達顯著性差異;年齡變項在參與動機與阻礙因素變項上皆達顯著性差異;婚姻狀況與取得證照時間變項在參與動機與涉入程度變項皆達顯著性差異;證照等級變項在社會支持、參與動機與涉入程度等變項上皆達顯著性差異。(三)救生員「社會支持」會正向顯著影響「參與動機」;「社會支持」不會顯著影響「阻礙因素」;「社會支持」會正向顯著影響「涉入程度」;「參與動機」不會顯著影響「阻礙因素」;「參與動機」會正向顯著影響「涉入程度」;「阻礙因素」不會顯著影響「涉入程度」。以上提供各水上安全救生訓練之相關單位、協會組織更加了解救生員的社會支持、參與動機、阻礙因素與涉入程度概況及後續研究之參考。 |
英文摘要 | This study is mainly aimed to the comparison and verify of different background variables of Southern Taiwan Red Cross lifeguards, which included social support, participation motivation, possible barrier factors as well as involvement odds. The subjects in this study are mainly life guards in Southern Taiwan. It was given 220 surveys in total. Retrieve up to 97.2% (214) as effective surveys. The result of the surveys after analyzed showed 1. Most of the Red Cross lifeguard training and water safety lifeguard are males aged between 18-30. However participants who get licenses over five years were about 57.5% and 58.9% of them were licensed coaches. 2. It showed not much difference in the gender of life guards, level of education, social support, participation motivation, possible barrier factors as well as in involvement odds. How ever “age” in possible barrier factors do show great differences. Marriage status do affect time of getting the license, motivation of participation and level of involvement. Level of license do affect in the social support and level of involvement as well as in level of participation. 3. Social support do affect motivation of participation, level of participation, positively. How ever social support do not affect barrier factors. Above all it provided reference to the water safety and life guards training. It gives the organization to understand better of life guards in social support, motivation of participation as well as level of participation of any later and further research. |