題 名 | 我國高職餐飲科學生實習期間遭受性騷擾問題之探討=A Study of Vocational High School Students Majored in Food and Beverage Management Program Confronting Sexual Harassment during Their Practical Training Periods |
作 者 | 林玥秀; | 書刊名 | 觀光研究學報 |
卷 期 | 11:2 民94.夏 |
頁 次 | 頁135-163 |
分類號 | 544.528 |
關鍵詞 | 餐飲教育; 高職; 實習; 性騷擾; Hospitality education; Vocational high school; Practical training; Sexual harassment; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為瞭解我國高職餐飲科系學生於校外實習期間遭受性騷擾問題之現況,本研究採用問卷調查法,以國內曾參與校外實習課程之八所高職餐飲科學生為研究對象,於民國九十二年四月採團體施測法進行問卷發放。所得之有效問卷共446份,整體可用率為93.7%。本研究冀藉由現象面之探索,瞭解高職餐飲科學生校外實習期間遭受性騷擾的經驗、性騷擾者之性別與受擾者的關係、實習生受擾後之心理感受與情緒反應,以及遭受騷擾時之可能反應、處理方式、求助管道及未求助之原因。研究結果發現,實習生之受擾經驗以性別騷擾(84.8%)及性挑逗(54.5%)為主,另有20.9%的實習生確認自己曾遭受騷擾。騷擾者可分顧客(37.6%)、同事(34.4%),以及主管(18.3%)三大類,並以男性為主。受擾者多有生氣憤怒等負面反應,唯男性較女性易出現感覺高興等正面反應。研究同時發現實習生受擾時除消極抵抗也會積極傳達不滿,並有六成以上會採取自我預防等方式為後續因應。最後,歸納研究限制並提出未來研究方向供後續研究者參考。 |
英文摘要 | The objectives of the current study were to investigate the experiences and frequency of students confronting sexual harassment during their practical training periods, and to explore the possible reactions of victims and methods of handling such situations, channels for help and reasons for not searching for help. A structured questionnaire was developed after a comprehensive review of current related literature and a series of exploratory focus group interviews. Research samples include students from eight vocational high schools majored in Food and Beverage program. A series of self-administrated questionnaire surveys were carried out in April 2003. A total of 446 usable questionnaires were collected. The results indicted that a great majority of respondents had experienced certain forms of gender harassment (84.8%) and seductive behavior (54.5%). These circumstances repeated very frequently, however only 20.9% of respondents confirmed that they had been sexually harassed. The harassers were mainly male, and could be classified as three categories: customers (37.6%), colleagues (34.4%) and superiors (18.3%). The most common responses of the victims were negative reaction such as anger, feeling disgusting and embarrassed. However, on average, more male victims indicated the feeling of happiness compared with female victims. The study was concluded with research limitations and suggestions for future research as well as recommendations for related authorities. |