題 名 | 《人間詞話》境界說之「真」=To Be Genuine in the Realm Theory about Ren-jian-cih-hua |
作 者 | 陳金英; | 書刊名 | 南臺學報 |
卷 期 | 35:4 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁107-123 |
分類號 | 821.27 |
關鍵詞 | 境界說; 真; 人間詞話; 王國維; Realm; Being true; Ren-jian-cih-hua; Wang Guowei; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 王國維《人間詞話》的「境界說」,是其美學思想的重點所在。而「真」,是王國維「境界說」的理論核心,這是不容爭議的事實。 歷來學術界討論「境界說」之「真」,或有不同的說法,然筆者以為,王國維「境界說」的「真」,是一種直指內心的本然覺悟與感受,是一種超越功利是非的審美直觀。是以,「境界之真」,在王國維手中,展現出詩詞藝術價值與生命本質價值,高度的人文結合,給予後人單純自在的藝術審美啟發與豐厚深層的內在生命觀審,湧現「境界之真」永恆的魅力風采,這是王國維「境界說」最大的意義價值與貢獻。 本文以徐調孚編的《校注人間詞話》為主要文本,首先整理出「境界之真」的理論體系;其次,依此體系,分由「境界總論」、「境界標準」、「境界類別」、「與興趣說、神韻說之關係」四方面論述,旨在探究境界說之「真」,期能在前人的基礎上,予以完備而深入的拓展。 |
英文摘要 | The Realm Theory of Wang’s Ren-jian-cih-hua is the focus of his aesthetic ideals, and to be genuine is the very essential core of Wang’s Realm Theory. A review of literature suggests that various discussions about being genuine in Wang’s realm theory in the academia. Therefore, this research pointed out that being genuine in Wang’s realm theory meant the initial inner consciousness and feelings, uninfluenced by the outside world, as well as the intuitive aesthetic emotions beyond utilitarianism.Wang’s realm theory combined simple inspiration and deep inner emotions. Being genuine in Wang’s realm theory means significant and valuable contribution for future generations. Based on Xu’s Wang’s Ren-jian-cih-hua Interpretation, the paper first introduced the framework of Wang’s realm theory. Second, based the framework, the research discussed (a) the realm introduction, (b) the realm criteria, (c) the realm category, and (e) the emphasis on aesthetics. Hopefully this paper could present a full in-depth exploration on being genuine in Wang’s realm theory. |