題 名 | 論《紅樓夢》中的度脫模式與啟蒙進程=On the Liberation Mode and Enlightenment Process in The Dream of the Red Chamber |
作 者 | 歐麗娟; | 書刊名 | 成大中文學報 |
卷 期 | 32 2011.03[民100.03] |
頁 次 | 頁125-164 |
分類號 | 827.26 |
關鍵詞 | 紅樓夢; 賈寶玉; 度脫劇; 悟道模式; 成長小說; The Dream of the Red Chamber; Jia Bao-yu; Dutuo Liberation Opera; Initiation mode; Bildungsroman; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《紅樓夢》吸收了傳統小說的豐富內涵與深層結構,又進一步加以深化與複雜化,而晉身為足以容受現代西方文學理論之檢證的世界級經典。本文即從元代雜劇中的「度脫模式」著手,一方面考掘書中所吸納的傳統文化藝術滋養,進一步探索《紅樓夢》中構成全書敘事架構的度脫要素,提出理解此一鉅作的另一歷史資源;另一方面則在學界初步的研究成果上,透過西方神話學的幫助,就啟悟進程給予更加深入的詮釋可能,包括啟蒙(Aufklärung, Initiation)的重要發展狀況,以觀《紅樓夢》對傳統度脫模式的超越。而藉由這兩種中西的雙重入徑的交匯共通處,更可以釐清《紅樓夢》以賈寶玉為敘事中心人物,所形成的「成長小說」(bildungsroman)的深層意義。 |
英文摘要 | The Dream of the Red Chambers inherits the richness and deep structure of traditional novels, and whereupon further deepens and complicates, thus being among the rank of universal classic which can be criticized by modern Western literary theory. This article investigates the “Dutuo liberation mode” (度脫模式) in The Dream of the Red Chambers to exemplify the above observation. On the one hand I explore the traditional Yuan Dutuo Liberation Opera (元度脫雜劇) culture nourishment adopted in the novel and further analyze the liberation constitutes in the narrative structure of The Dream of the Red Chambers. On the other hand, based on the preliminary results of research and through the help of Western mythology, I offer a more in-depth interpretation to the enlighten process in The Dream of the Red Chambers, especially the important development of the Enlightenment (Aufklärung, initiation), thus showing the way The Dream of the Red Chambers goes beyond the traditional Dutuo liberation mode. Through the dual interaction of Chinese and Western approaches, I clarify the deep meaning of The Dream of the Red Chambers as a Bildungsroman of Jia Bao-yu, the central figure of its narrative. |