題 名 | 美國、日本與臺灣技術服務成本加公費法之比較=Comparisons of Cost-plus-fixed-fee Methods Used in the Architectual/ Engineering Contracts |
作 者 | 王世旭; 鄭淵源; 李明聰; 翁紹偉; 王維志; 張書萍; 林志錚; 周昌典; 李順敏; | 書刊名 | 營建管理季刊 |
卷 期 | 85 2011.03[民100.03] |
頁 次 | 頁14-27 |
分類號 | 440 |
關鍵詞 | 技術服務費用; 服務成本加公費法; 成本組成; A/E fee; Cost-plus-fixed-fee method; Cost composition; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 技術服務廠商以服務成本加公費法計費具有依實際支出計費之優點,即技術服務廠商在合理成本及利潤下,達到契約要求之服務品質,惟此計費法之預算編列及憑證查核程序較建造費用百分比法為複雜。本研究藉由文獻回顧及專家訪談,探討美國州政府交通處(包含華盛頓州、加州)及日本服務成本加公費法之作法,分析其制度設計(包含成本項目及查核制度)與預算編列、議約及履約計價等各階段之執行方式,並與國內現行法令及機關執行作法進行比較。根據比較結果,在短期方面,建議政府可提供預算編列準則與範例,以增進預算編列之準確性,另可考量依服務案件規模與複雜度,給予不同管理費用比例與公費比例。在履約計價時,則可參考國工局之作法,即直接薪資依參與人月數給付費用,而管理費用、其他直接費與公費主要依事先規定之計算原則計價,並藉由日常查核建立憑證之佐參資料。在長期方面,則建議以落實服務成本之查核為目標,制訂符合實務作業需求之會計查核標準。 |
英文摘要 | Using the cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) method to estimate the fees of an Architect/Engineer (A/E) contract has an advantage of paying by actual costs. Additionally, the CPFF method supports the A/E to provide satisfied work within reasonable costs and profit. However, the budgeting and invoice reviewing/auditing processes applied to the CPFF method are more complex than those used in the percentage-of-construction-cost method. This study compares the CPFF methods practiced in the US (California and Washington States), Japan and Taiwan. Based on the comparisons, this work suggests that the government in Taiwan should improve the accuracy of project budgeting by providing estimation guidelines and examples. Moreover, the amount of indirect costs and fees may vary according to the complexity and scale of the project. In the long run, the government should further formulate standardized accounting procedures to support the audit of the A/E's costs. |