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題 名 | Polystichum cavernicola, Sp. Nov. (Sect. Haplopolystichum, Dryopteridaceae) from a Karst Cave in Guizhou, China and Its Phylogenetic Affinities=中國貴州喀斯特岩洞耳蕨屬一新種--洞生耳蕨 (半開羽耳蕨組,鱗毛蕨科) 及其系統親緣 |
作 者 | 何海; 張麗兵; | 書刊名 | Botanical Studies |
卷 期 | 52:1 2011.01[民100.01] |
頁 次 | 頁121-127 |
分類號 | 378.13 |
關鍵詞 | 洞穴植物; 鱗毛蕨科; 貴州; 系統發育; 洞生耳蕨; 半開羽耳蕨組; 孢子形態; TrnL-F序列; Cave flora; Fern; Dryopteridaceae; Guizhou; Phylogeny; Polystichum cavernicola; Sect. haplopolystichum; Spore morphology; TrnL-F sequence; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文描述了在中國貴州南部一喀斯特岩洞中發現的耳蕨屬半開羽耳蕨組 (Polystichum sect. Haplopolystichum) 一新種:洞生耳蕨 (P. cavernicola),並提供線繪圖與照片以資辨識。基於 trnL-F基因間區序列的系統發育分析表明,洞生耳蕨與另一髮現於岩洞中的岩穴耳蕨 (P. speluncicola) 親緣最近。從形態上看,洞生耳蕨與岩穴耳蕨也最接近,但洞生耳蕨羽片背面的小鱗片為窄型,羽片質地為草質,基部上側為有耳狀突起,葉片最寬處位於葉片中部附近,而岩穴耳蕨羽片揹麵的小鱗片為寬型,羽片質地為近革質,基部上側為圓形,葉片最寬處位於葉片中部以上。從孢子形態來看,洞生耳蕨的周壁紋飾為覆瓦狀,而岩穴耳蕨的周壁紋飾為冠狀。洞生耳蕨僅見於貴州南部一喀斯特岩洞,瀕臨絕滅。 |
英文摘要 | Polystichum cavernicola L. B. Zhang & H. He, a new pteridophyte species is described and illustrated from a karst cave in southern Guizhou, China. It is a member of Polystichum sect. Haplopolystichum (Dryopteridaceae). A phylogenetic analysis based on the chloroplast trnL-F sequences shows that the new species is most closely related with P. speluncicola, a species also described from a karst cave in southern Guizhou. Morphologically, P. cavernicola is most similar to P. speluncicola. The important morphological differences between P. cavernicola and P. speluncicola include that P. cavernicola has narrow-type microscales on the abaxial laminar surface, its pinnae are chartaceous and have auriculate acroscopic bases, and its lamina is broadest near the midpoint, whereas P. speluncicola has broad-type microscales on the abaxial laminar surface, its pinnae are subcoriaceous and have rounded, non-auriculate, acroscopic bases, and its lamina is broadest above the middle. The spores of P. cavernicola have verrucate sculpturing on the perispore, whereas those of P. speluncicola are cristate with numerous spinules on its perispore. Polystichum cavernicola is endemic to a single karst cave in southern Guizhou and is considered to be Critically Endangered (CR) based on IUCN Red List criteria. |