題 名 | 從「伴侶」到「父母」論身分法規範重心之轉變--兼評96年度養聲字第81號裁定=From Partner to Parent--The Change of Family Law & the Critic of Gay Parent Adoption Case in Taiwan |
作 者 | 郭書琴; | 書刊名 | 成大法學 |
卷 期 | 20 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁75-119 |
分類號 | 584.51 |
關鍵詞 | 身分法; 多元家庭; 同性伴侶; 同志父母; 性別與法律; 女性主義法理學; 同志法學; Family law; Multi-family; Civil union; Gay marriage; Gay parents adoption; Gender and law; Feminist jurisprudence; Sexuality and law; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文以「多元家庭」型態與身分法規範重心的轉變為核心,以二○○七年台灣第一位明示性向為女同性戀者,聲請收養子女之案例為切入點(九十六年度養聲字第八一號),以同志家庭與同志收養子女為本文主要議題,討論長期被台灣的法規範忽視,甚至是呈現「空白一頁」的同志(同性戀)族群,對於其組成家庭、與要求不受歧視對待的權利。在本文中,筆者將以同志收養所引發的議題,藉此討論未來身分法學者將如何面對「子女最佳利益」、同志之「家庭權」、與性別、文化、族群等多元價值;同時,還將面對以上多元價值可能同時在同志伴侶與收養議題互相折衝矛盾。 此外,本文將以美國身分法理論家Martha Fineman等學者近來所觀察到的身分法規範重心的轉變:從規範「伴侶」(夫妻)關係,例如性別平等、消除女性在婚姻中因為性別而遭受的不利益(家庭暴力、夫妻財產分配等),進展到對「伴侶」關係鬆綁,而把規範焦點置於「父母」關係,亦即照護者與被照護者的身分關係與權利義務之分配。換言之,Martha Fineman、JuneCorbone等學者,所著眼者乃在於,當今社會的「伴侶」關係,遭受比例逐年攀升的離婚影響,再婚比率增加,繼父母或同居男女對於前婚姻留下來的子女,如何分擔照護責任,成為美國法律學者們所更加關切的議題。 著眼未來,身分法學者將要如何釐清目前台灣社會已經發生、與即將持續變遷中的多元家庭型態,以及相關法規範之挑戰與各種難題。筆者希望從此一議題出發,藉此拋磚引玉,希望能對於未來身分法與多元家庭規範模式之論述有所貢獻。 |
英文摘要 | The same-sex marriage and the human right for gay people have been noticed and discussed recently in Taiwan. In Taiwan’s legal scholarships, the gay rights mostly are discussed through the approaches from Constitution and Family Law, but seldom from Feminist Jurisprudence, Queer Theory and Gender Study. Therefore, this proposal will be structured by two major frames: one is discussing the “multi-family” through the view of Feminist Jurisprudence. In this manner, the author will discuss how the feminist legal scholars unfold the kinship, parenthood and conjugal bond beyond the ideology of nuclear family, which had constructed the modern Family Law. In this article, the author will take the cases of gay marriage/civil union and gay parent adoption as an application of “multi-family”. The significance for Family Law scholars transfer their interests from nuclear family to multi-family, is that the nuclear family is not anymore occupying the exclusive form of family in nowadays modern society. Therefore, the author hopes reconsider the legal alternatives for multi-families within the scholarships and Family Law, Gender and Law, Feminist Jurisprudence and Law-and-Society. For the sake of making the shortage of discussing gay right through the view of Queer Legal Theory and Feminist Jurisprudence in current scholarships in Taiwan, this paper aims to provide, first, a critical review about the existing literatures and judicial opinions about the gay right and gay parent adoptions. Secondly, the regarding Feminist Jurisprudence theories and Sexuality-and Law, such as the works by June Corbone, Martha Fineman and Ruthann Robson wil be carefully discussed. In the end, the author endeavors to provide a legal cultural critics on the current literatures in Taiwan’s legal scholarships which are about gay right and alternative families. Hopefully, this note can contribute to the interdisciplinary forum of Family Law, Feminist Jurisprudence, Sexuality-and Law, Law-and-Society and Gender Study in Taiwan. |