題 名 | 平衡計分卡應用在博物館教育活動評鑑之探索性研究=An Exploratory Study on Evaluation of Museum Education Programs: Application of the Balanced Scorecard |
作 者 | 鄭彩鳳; 張秀娟; | 書刊名 | 科技博物 |
卷 期 | 14:4 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁35-57 |
分類號 | 069.75 |
關鍵詞 | 教育活動; 活動評鑑; 平衡計分卡; Education program; Program evaluation; Balanced scorecard; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 現今博物館常以活動場次、參與人數、滿意度、活動影響因素做為評估項目,較少以整合系統性觀點探討博物館在推動教育活動之整體績效。本研究以國立科學工藝博物館為個案研究,資料蒐集方法採用參與觀察和次級資料分析,首先分析彙整該館2006-2009年教育活動所採用之衡量指標,進而探討平衡計分卡應用在教育活動整合性評鑑之可行性架構,綜合比較與現況的差異,提出水平和垂直缺口分析,做為日後實際導入的參考。研究結果發現,就平衡計分卡四大構面,除顧客構面的多元教育活動外,其餘三項構面均出現缺口,顯現內容提列不足,且原指標之間亦未呈現脈絡性關聯。未來如欲全面建立平衡計分卡架構,建議應針對核心業務予以整併列入,注重其相互影響性與關聯性,及確定執行的優先順序。 |
英文摘要 | Currently the evaluation of museum education programs always focuses on the number of participants, customer satisfaction, and the activity-related factors, seldom to measure the overall performance systematically. This study uses the National Science and Technology Museum as a case study by participant observation and secondary data analysis. First, it collects all indicators of education programs used in 2006-2009 and then tries to construct the Balanced Scorecard framework for the museum. Finally the study makes a comparison between the two and finds the gaps. The results show that in addition to the customer perspective (e.g. the diversity of education programs), the other three perspectives are clearly insufficient. Besides, the contextual relations of all perspectives are still lacking. For establishing a comprehensive Balanced Scorecard framework, the proposed indicators for the core business should be included and judged the priorities in the future. |