- 記臺灣蘭科植物相新記錄種--緣毛松蘭
- Eria gagnepainii A. D. Hawkes & A. H. Heller (Orchidaceae), a Newly Recorded Species in Taiwan
- Contribution to the Revised Orchid Flora of Taiwan (Ⅲ)
- Contribution to a Revised Orchid Flora of Taiwan (Ⅳ)
- A New Variety from Taiwan: Michelia Compressa var. Lanyuensis (Magnoliaceae)
- Epipogium aphyllum (F. W. Schmidt) Sw. (Orchidaceae), a New Addition to the Flora of Taiwan
- 消失中的空中花園及其房客
- Orchidaceous Additions to the Floras of China and Taiwan
- Reappraisal of Kitigorchis (Orchidaceae)
- 從荷蘭科學技術研究中心之文獻計量指標看臺灣科學活動之表現