- 歐洲中世紀末《貧窮人聖經》圖文形制的流變探討兼論單印版與早期繪本間互動關係
- 在史學與神學之間的《聖經》解釋學--與漢森談當代《聖經》研究
- What's in a Commentary? -- Some Analytical Reflections
- Dialogue and Community: Teaching the Bible and Christian Classics in Relation to Western Tradition
- The English Bible Class--A New Approach to Serve the Demands of Taiwan's Overlooked Language Course
- Ideology Critique as a Methodology of Biblical Hermeneutics
- 霍布斯宗教觀之研究
- The Deliverer: Moses in the Grass is Singing
- 暴力與聖經
- 舊約聖經「天主為父」的神觀