- 本土性水生植物對水中污染質之去除成效研究
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題 名 | 本土性水生植物對水中污染質之去除成效研究=The Removal Ability of Pollution Quality Using Taiwanese Aquatic Plants |
作 者 | 劉玉雪; 吳浚霖; 陳秀美; 鍾惠珠; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 56:4 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁55-69 |
分類號 | 445.463 |
關鍵詞 | 水生植物; 水力停留時間; 生化需氧量; 氨氮; Aquatic plants; Hydraulic retention time; ROD; NH₃N; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 依據歷年臺灣地區人工溼地建置場址案例型式,可瞭解人工溼地系統設計的種類型式,除單純以表面流式系統以外,亦有複合式人工溼地系統之應用型式存在,並且各單元處理聯絡型式的規劃,有串聯、並聯、或並串聯作法被使用,均考驗著人工溼地之處理成效。在這些處理方式,其水域環境內水生植物之物種選擇與維護管理機制程序等,都會影響人工溼地可否持續永續經營,並達到預期淨化水質的去污效能。 因此,本試驗研究目的,係進行本土性水生植物物種對污水削減去污效能、研析人工溼地之最佳設計與操作條件,與提升國內現地處理技術作法,讓臺灣地區在人工溼地現地處理技術上,建立具體性最佳規劃設計,精進本土性水質淨化現地處理技術。有關本試驗之研究成果如下: (一) 5種本土水生植物去污效能試驗結果發現,生化需氧量與氨氮去除效果大致分別在 HRT 4~5日及 2~3天時,達穩定狀態,此項成果可作為未來設計之參考值。(二) 以 5種水生植物的浮床式試驗成果而言,香蒲對生化需氧量與氨氮之去除效果均佳,可列為人工溼地淨化水質之優先考慮的物種。 |
英文摘要 | According to site patterns of constructed wetland in Taiwan recently, there are several compound patterns with serial or parallel system design as well as single free water surface system. These compound system designs have faced challenges from aquatic vegetation selection and maintenance mechanism to sustain their water treatment effectiveness. Therefore, in this research, an experiment has been conducted to comprehend vegetation water treatment effectiveness from five Taiwanese native aquatic plants. Finally, suggestions for further research activities have been given to cope with basic parameters and application techniques in next three years. Of research results are as follows: 1. By the wastewater treatment experiment of five native aquatic plants, most of BOD and NH3 removal by plants have become stable when hydraulic retention time reached 4 to 5 days and 2 to 3 days. 2. Among five test plants on the floating mat base experiment, cattail might be the best wastewater treatment plant for combining BOD and NH3 removal effect. |