題 名 | 戰後中華民國對日漁業協定的開展(1952-1972)=The Development of the Agreement of Fishery between the Republic of China and Japan after World War Ⅱ (1952-1972) |
作 者 | 陳冠任; | 書刊名 | 政大史粹 |
卷 期 | 19 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁149-206 |
分類號 | 439.12 |
關鍵詞 | 漁權; 中日和約; 舊金山和約; 日中漁業協定; 華日關係; 日中關係; Fishery right; Sino-Japanese peace treaty; Treaty of peace with Japan; The agreement of fishery between Japan and the People’s Republic of China; The relationship between the Republic of China and Japan; The relationship between Japan and the People’s Republic of China; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 1952年4月28日,中華民國與日本簽訂了《中華民國與日本國間和平條約》,同年8月5日雙方換文生效,結束了華日兩國之間的戰爭狀態。在該約中規定,華日兩國應當迅速商訂商務、航運、航空等協議。其中漁權爭議長期以來存於華日兩國之間,兩國皆希望透過《中日和約》解決此一爭議,故該約第九條即為:「中華民國與日本國願儘速締結一項為規範或限制捕魚、及保存暨開發公海漁業之協定」。兩國希冀能在《中日和約》的基礎之上簽訂漁業協定。華日兩國在《中日和約》簽訂之後,將透過漁業協定的方式,共同開發以及保護海洋資源,藉此解決自1920年代起長期懸而未決的華日漁業爭議。雖然華日兩國試圖在1952年8月1日至8月8日期間展開漁業交涉,但華日雙方的立足點互異,國府只希望透過與日本簽訂漁業協議,藉機學習日本的漁業技術;然而就日本政府的立場而言,其簽訂漁業協定最大的目的在於合法使用中國大陸沿海附近的漁場,使得過去頻遭國府、中共甚至是蘇聯拘捕漁船之事不再發生。雖然華日間有協議小規模的鯖釣漁業合作,但在華日雙方立足點不一的情況之下,使得華日漁業協議破裂,日本進而轉向尋求與中共進行接觸。在吉田茂「政經分離」的外交原則以及中共亟欲拓展對外關係的條件之下,日中雙方於1955年簽訂了《日本國之日中漁業協議會與中華人民共和國之中國漁業協會有關黃海東海漁業協定》。日本在協定中獲得了其最想得到中國沿海漁場使用權,而中共亦藉機拓展了對外關係,雙方可謂相得益彰。雖然日中兩國於1958年因「長崎扯旗事件」交惡,而中華民國與日本也於此時再度展開漁業交涉,但雙方又因立足點互異致使交涉失敗。1963年,日中關係在池田勇人的「經濟外交」政策之下開始好轉,日中雙方遂於是年底簽訂了第二次《日中漁業協定》,此一協定延續至1972年日中建交。象徵國家權利之一的漁業權在華日尚有邦交之時都未能談成,更遑論1972年日中建交之後。在日本不承認中華民國是一個國家的情況之下,華日間的漁業交涉徹底關上大門。 |
英文摘要 | The Republic of China and Japan signed the ”Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty” in April 28, 1952. When this treaty became effective in August 5, 1952, both sides also ended the state of war. According to this treaty, the Republic of China (ROC) and Japan should negotiate quickly agreements on matters such as commercial affairs, navigation and aviation. Because the issue of the fishery right was a controversial problem between the ROC and Japan, both sides hoped to solve this controversial issue by the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty. Thus, the article 9 indicated ”The Republic of China and Japan will endeavor to conclude, as soon as possible, an agreement providing for the regulation or limitation of fishing and the conservation and development of fisheries on the high seas.” Both sides wanted to sign the agreement of fishery based on the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty.After signing the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty, the ROC and Japan were expected to consume and preserve the sea resource together in accordance with the agreement of fishery, thus solving the Sino-Japanese dispute over fishery since 1920s. The ROC and Japan attempted to negotiate the issue of fishery between August 1 and 8 in 1952, but there was a wide gap between their standpoints. All the ROC hoped was to sign the agreement of fishery with Japan and to take advantage of this occasion to learn Japanese fishery technology. The Japanese government, however, intended to legitimate the use of the fishing ground around the Chinese coast lest the Japanese fishing boats were seized by the ROC, the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the USSR anymore. There was a small scale cooperation of mackerel pole and line between the ROC and Japan, but both sides stood on the different standpoints, causing the agreement of fishery between the ROC and Japan breakdown. Japan then contacted the PRC.Because Yoshida Shigeru held the diplomatic principle that-politics and economics should be separated and the PRC hoped to extend her foreign relation, Japan and the PRC signed the agreement of fishery in 1955. By this agreement, Japan obtained the right of fishing around Chinese coast, and the PRC also extended her foreign relations, they could say each shining more brilliantly in the other's company. Because of the accident concerning the PRC national flag in Japan in 1958, Japan and the PRC fall foul of each other. Meanwhile, the ROC began the negotiations with Japan once again, but their differing standpoints made the negotiation break down again. In 1963, under Ikeda Hayato's economic diplomacy the relation between Japan and the PRC improved. Both sides signed the second agreement of fishery at the end of the year, this agreement was valid until Japan and PRC established the diplomatic relation in 1972. Even when the ROC and Japan still had diplomatic relation, they failed to reach an agreement on the fishery right, which symbolized their sovereign rights to them, not to mention after Japan and the PRC established the diplomatic relations in 1972. Given that Japan no longer recognized the ROC, the negotiations on the agreement of fishery between the two countries finally closed its door. |