題 名 | 《論語》〈八佾〉篇「巧笑倩兮」章探討:從漢代到當代的注解演變史=Discussion on "Cheerful Simle" Passage in "Eight Rows" of Analects |
作 者 | 江衍良; | 書刊名 | 長庚科技學刊 |
卷 期 | 13 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁85-102 |
分類號 | 097.1 |
關鍵詞 | 論語; 繪事後素; 集解; 朱注; Analects; Colors follow plain; Ji Jie; Zhu Zhu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《論語》〈八佾〉篇第八章原文如下。子夏問曰:「巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以爲絢兮。」何謂也?子曰:「繪事後素」曰:「禮後乎?」子曰:「起予者商也,始可與言《詩》已矣」。本章中有一句「繪事後素」。何晏《集解》引鄭玄注,謂以繪畫技巧來解釋「素以爲絢」,意即繪畫先用彩色,最後再用白色,使色彩分明(何晏,1966:3)。朱子改用繪畫材料來解釋,即「先粉地爲質,而後施五采」(朱熹,2004:74)。清代毛奇齡、劉寶楠認爲朱子不對,鄭玄的注解才是對的(毛奇齡,1966:18;劉寶楠,1998:90)。當代學者有些從鄭玄,有些從朱子。陳大齊權衡兩注之後,認爲朱注不無千慮之失(陳大齊.1996:51)。毛子水在剖析兩注之後,認爲「這章的文義,實極難明白」(毛子水,2005:33)。筆者認爲繪事後素四字,只是爭論的焦點之一,下到六個問題應全盤探討。一、巧笑倩兮三句的涵義爲何?二、巧笑倩兮三句的來源爲何?三、繪事後素的涵義爲何?四、「禮後乎」與「啟予」的涵義爲何?五、本章意義如何與其他篇章聯結?六、《集解》與《朱注》有何優、缺點?筆者試圖以本章注解演變史爲經,以這六個問題爲緯,彙總兩注的優點,提供一種解釋,以供讀者參考。 |
英文摘要 | The eighth passage "Cheerful smile" in of Analects caused some questions that need to clarify. First, what are the meanings of "cheerful smile"? Seocnd, what is the origin of "cheerful smile"? Third, what are the meanings of "white after colors"? Fourth, what are the meanings of "ceremony is a subsequent thing" and "inspires me"? Fifth, how this passage's meaning connects to another chapter? Sixth, what are the advantages and shortcomings of different explanations? I found that many scholars concentrated their statement in the third questions. He Yan said that painting skill should use different colors at the beginning, and then used white color at last. But Thu Zi insisted different opinions. Zhu Zi said that painting should prepare plain ground, and then used different colors. Some subsequent scholars followed He Yan, but some followed Zhu Zi. I thought the third question was important, but the other questions should be discussed together also. I took the advantages of He Yan and Zhu Zi. I hoped the new explanation would bring new scope and found new meaning in this passage. |