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- 評介康培德著《殖民想像與地方流變:荷蘭東印度公司與臺灣原住民》[(臺北:聯經出版公司,2016)]
題 名 | 荷蘭東印度公司治下的臺灣原住民部落整併=Tribal Consolidation of Formosan Austronesians under Dutch East India Company |
作 者 | 康培德; | 書刊名 | 臺灣史研究 |
卷 期 | 17:1 2010.03[民99.03] |
頁 次 | 頁1-25 |
分類號 | 733.2 |
關鍵詞 | 荷蘭東印度公司; 部落整併; 臺灣原住民; Dutch East India company; VOC; Tribal consolidation; Formosan Austronesians; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文探討荷蘭東印度公司統治臺灣時,對原住民部落的整併理念、實施過程與成效。文章在東印度公司的殖民地領地控制脈絡下,進一步以大武郡與打猫社為例,討論荷蘭人如何處理整併後的部落權力結構與村社規模。東印度公司之所以於平原地區實施部落整併,係遷就其宣教活動與行政統治;因此,村社作為殖民地的底層單位,其規模以及村社首長的派任,即成為荷蘭人整併前後的考量。荷蘭人在部落整併的做法上,雖然大多會循原有的部落社會網絡與族人的意願,但整併的成效不一。到了公司統治末期,整併形同蛇尾,甚至傳聞出加入叛離荷蘭人勢力的案例。 |
英文摘要 | The paper explores the issue of tribal consolidation of Formosan Austronesians under the Dutch East India Company or VOC, with emphasis on the idea behind the consolidation policy, its implementation and its effects. Taking Tavocol and Dovoha as two cases, the paper discusses how the Dutch supervised the post-consolidation tribal power structure and size of settlement in the context of territorial control of the burgeoning colony. Evangelization and secular governance were the two main factors contributing to tribal consolidation in the lowland areas; hence, the Dutch were more concerned about the manageable settlement size and the appointed headmen of consolidated villages. In praxis, the Dutch either followed the inter-village social networks or consulted the opinions of tribal principals on the consolidation project, but its outcomes greatly varied. Moreover, the policy could not be carried out consistently and some tribes even allegedly joined the camp against the VOC towards the end of Dutch colonization. |