題 名 | 跨越生死長河--安寧之美=The Beauty of Palliative Care |
作 者 | 楊婉伶; 李存白; 陳小妮; | 書刊名 | 榮總護理 |
卷 期 | 27:2 2010.06[民99.06] |
頁 次 | 頁208-213 |
分類號 | 419.77 |
關鍵詞 | 安寧療護; 八大非癌症末期疾病; 臨終照護; Palliative care; Non-cancer disease; Terminal; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 莊子曰:「適來夫子時也,適去夫子順也。安時而處順,哀樂不能入。」這是面對生死的最高境界。當人無法如此面對死亡,醫療人員更應關心且致力於解除病人整體性的苦痛。在醫療科技越來越精進的今日,醫師、病人及家屬反而越難接受醫療是有極限的事實,「接受生命的極限」與「放棄」是不同的,社會大眾常誤解安寧療護是「等死」,實際上真正的安寧療護是希望做到「生死兩相安」,身心靈要平安何其容易,身體有苦痛,怎麼會平安?醫師曾宣誓盡一切力量救活病人,若疾病無法治癒,死亡將不可避免時,每一個人,都有權利享受最好的照顧,讓生死兩無憾!安寧療護在台灣已邁入第20個年頭,在各界殷切的期盼下,八大非癌症末期疾病也於2009年9月1日正式列入安寧療護範圍。從今往後,宣揚安寧療護的精神,使大眾體悟安寧之美,將是我們積極努力的方向。讓我用一樁樁臨終照護的故事與您分享,體會讓生命完整直到盡頭的感動。 |
英文摘要 | Chuang Tzu said: "Living or death is coincidental but not inevitable. People should have the ability to reconcile themselves when confronting death." When people do not consider death in such a way, medical staff persons should concern and devote themselves to ameliorating a patient's total suffering. Advancement of medical techniques, doctors, patients, and their families can hardly accept the fact that there are limits to medical care. But accepting the limits of life and giving it up are different. The community of ten misunderstands palliative care as ensured death. Doctors have sworn to save patients with all available means, but when the illness is incurable, and death is inevitable, every patient should have the best care. In Taiwan, palliative care is progressing to its twentieth year after its introduction. Eight non-cancer diseases in their terminal stages have been included. This article will present the stories of those undergoing palliative care, to change common perceptions of palliative care, and the appreciation for life itself. |