題 名 | 女乩、義女與誦經女 : 女性在「公寓廟」的活動和地位=Female Mediums, God's Daughters, and Scripture-chanting Women : Female Activities and Status in the "Apartment Temple" |
作 者 | 辜神徹; 林美容; | 書刊名 | 民俗曲藝 |
卷 期 | 168 2010.06[民99.06] |
頁 次 | 頁21-51 |
專 輯 | 華人宗教中的女性 |
分類號 | 296.2 |
關鍵詞 | 女乩童; 義女; 誦經女; 寺廟經營; 公廟; 私宮; Female medium; God's daughter; Scripture-chanting women; Temple management; Public temple; Private temple; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文透過一間擠身於公寓中的宮壇,被當地人稱爲「公寓廟」作爲觀察對象,試圖從廟內諸多與女性相關的個人和團體,主要包括了女乩童、義女、誦經女,對於女性在臺灣民間宗教的活動與地位進行關懷和探討。首先,該廟負責傳達神明旨意與吸引信徒的女乩童,在「公寓廟」的宮務和儀式的進行上,扮演着重要的角色。另外,義女原本作爲媽祖的乾女兒的涵意,也巧妙的被以男性爲主的管理階層,解釋成爲報答神明而作義工的女性。最後,「公寓廟」內的誦經團,也是女性爲主要參與的團體,誦經女們除了營造寺廟的莊嚴氣氛之外,重要的是要爲寺廟本身、廟中主神、誦經女自身累積功德-「躉經」。從本案例之探析,也發現廟內的男性常以「做事業」的態度在經營「公寓廟」,女性雖然未必認同或否定男性的心態,然而女性相對地從各種儀式活動、勞動實踐中展示其不同於男性的信仰型態。 |
英文摘要 | This article discusses the female activities and status in Taiwanese folk religion. Based on the fieldwork in the "Apartment Temple" which is housed in apartments. Several female individuals and organizations in the temple, which include female mediums, god's daughters, scripture-chanting women. First, female mediums communicate god in the temple, offer services which help followers to resolve their difficulties. Secondly, god's daughters originally refer to female devotees who become god's adopted daughter in order to be better protected. But the male managers simply interpret their roles as volunteers. Finally, there are the scripture-chanting women who provide the temple with a solemn atmosphere. Their most important mission is to accumulate merits for the temple, the deity as well as themselves. This case study reveals that the male managers treat the temple as a place where business can be done. The female devotees neither condemn nor support such an attitude. They simply demonstrate their belief by participating in rituals and contributing their labor. |