- 2006年地震回顧
- 1998年嘉義瑞里地震之初步探討
- Seismotectonics and Identification of Potential Seismic Source Zones in Taiwan
- Focal Mechanism Determinations of the 1991 Chiali Earthquake(M戹=5.7)Sequence
- Source Parameters of the December 15, 1993 Tapu Earthquake from First-P Motions and Waveforms
- 利用地震斷層面解逆推法探討臺灣中部地區之大地應力
- 嘉南地區之震源機制與大地應力分析
- Focal Mechanisms of Recent Large Earthquakes and the Nature of Faulting in the Longitudinal Valley of Eastern Taiwan
- Two Local Oscillator Heterodyning for Radar Detection
- 利用修正格點搜尋法以近場強震資料推求震源機制