- 農業氣象災害之因應策略
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題 名 | 農業氣象災害之因應策略=The Responsive Strategies to Agricultural Meteorological Disasters |
作 者 | 楊純明; | 書刊名 | 作物、環境與生物資訊 |
卷 期 | 7:1 2010.03[民99.03] |
頁 次 | 頁63-71 |
分類號 | 433.1 |
關鍵詞 | 農業氣象災害; 氣候變遷; 因應策略; 因應氣候變遷農業調適策略座談會; Agricultural meteorological disasters; Responsive strategy; Forum for responsive adaptation strategies in agriculture to climate change; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 摘要 去(2009)年的莫拉克颱風襲臺伴隨前所未見的超級豪大雨量,給臺灣中南部與東南部地區 “製造”了空前的八八水災,更形成河山變色的世紀大災難,卻也因此喚起了舉國對於氣候變遷 及氣象災害的強烈關注。事實上由於特殊的地理位置及地形條件,臺灣之氣象變化原本就十分 複雜,氣象災害種類亦多而發生頻繁,經常造成民眾生命財產之重大損失,也給產業帶來嚴重 災情。又綜合科學數據及近百年來的災變天氣頻率、分佈與強度,概顯示全球氣候有快速變遷 的趨勢,使得包括臺灣在內的世界各地之極端天氣事件頻頻發生。預料臺灣未來之災變天氣可 能將會逐年增加,無論政府部門或社會大眾都應當正視此一問題,積極地從各個影響層面深入 探討並謀求因應對策,以確保糧食安全和國家長治久安。對農業而言,欲針對災損研擬防災與 救災策略,首先必須充分瞭解發生於臺灣之各種農業氣象災害,才能匯集應變資源和人力成立 防救體系予以有效因應。本文建議政府在規劃農業氣象災害的防救策略時,除了循常之一般農 業氣象災害,亦必須考量極端天氣可能引起重大災害之防災、救災與復建,設置「常設小組」 以統一事權和作業體系。該小組平時可專責規劃科技研發方向、演練各種可能防救狀況及制定 相關法令規章,遇事則立即運作迅速進行防救工作。本文所研擬之「農業氣象災害之因應策略」 架構涵蓋了六個細部策略,或謂六大主軸,希望經由資源運用、方法設計和主導行動來完成細 部(主軸)目標,再進階達到通盤(政策性)目標。惟本文雖摘點出農業氣象災害因應策略的架構與 涵蓋內容,仍屬於紙上談兵,因為無論政策面、法令面或科技面的切入,都需要政府公權力的 積極角色推動才能克盡其功。(本文部分內容已發表於本(2010)年3 月29 日於國立中興大學舉 行之「因應氣候變遷農業調適策略座談會」) |
英文摘要 | ABSTRACT Typhoon Morakot, formed on August 2, 2009 as an unnamed tropical depression, upgraded to a tropical storm on August 3 and developed to a typhoon by August 5, has been the deadliest typhoon to impact Taiwan in recorded history. The storm attained its peak intensity with winds of 150-155 km h-1 early on August 7, equivalent to a Category 2 hurricane on the Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Scale, and emerged back over water into the Taiwan Strait 24 h later after making landfall in central and southern Taiwan. The typhoon produced extreme amount of rain triggered enormous mudslides and hillslides and severe flooding throughout central and southern Taiwan that wrought catastrophic damage in this island. In the wake of the typhoon, people live in Taiwan are aware of the potential threats of meteorological disasters and extreme weather events caused by climate change and global warming phenomenon. The aims of this paper are trying to, but not exhaustive to, formulate the scheme of the responsive strategies to agricultural meteorological disasters as well as to make suggestions to the contents should be included in the context. (Parts of this paper have been presented in the Forum for Responsive Adaptation Strategies in Agriculture to Climate Change held in National Chung-Hsing University on March 29, 2010.) |