題 名 | 洪頤煊年譜=The Annals of Hong Yixuan |
作 者 | 陳鴻森; | 書刊名 | 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 |
卷 期 | 80:4 2009.12[民98.12] |
頁 次 | 頁691-771 |
分類號 | 782.87 |
關鍵詞 | 年譜; 洪頤煊; 乾嘉學術; 浙江學術; Annals; Hong Yixuan; Scholarship in the Qianlong and Jiaqing reign periods; Scholarship of Zhejiang scholarship of Zhejiang Province; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 洪頤煊 (1765-1837),字旌賢,號筠軒,晚號倦舫老人,浙江臨海縣人。嘉慶六年拔貢。篤志厲學,研精經訓,貫串子史。嘉慶初,阮元為浙江學政,與弟震煊同以治經受知,時有二洪之目;嘗與修《經籍籑詁》。後館孫星衍山東督糧道署七年,孫氏撰《尚書今古文注疏》,頤煊助其搜討;孫氏平津館所刻書,多賴其校讐焉。後宦遊嶺南,署廣東新興縣事,適阮元總督兩廣,延之入幕,諏經諮史以為常。《清史列傳》卷六九、《清史稿》卷二七三、《清儒學案》卷一二三有傳。 洪氏博通經史,著述滿家,其著者有《孔子三朝記注》八卷,《平津讀碑記》八卷、〈續〉四卷,《諸史考異》十八卷,《管子義證》八卷,《讀書叢錄》二十四卷,《筠軒文鈔》八卷等。復輯漢晉說經子史遺文,為《經典集林》三十二卷,嚴可均輯先秦漢晉全文,頗取資焉。綜觀諸所造述,卓然自立。乃聲聞不著,事蹟日就湮霾,茲就群籍蒐采遺聞墜事,依年繫綴,以備知人論世之資。末附〈著述考〉,各記其書撰著旨要及版本。 |
英文摘要 | Hong Yixuan (1765-1837) was an important scholar during the Qing Jiaqing and Daoguang reign periods known for his work in evidential research and textual collation and collection, work that was appreciated by scholars such as Ruan Yuan and Sun Xingyan. His broad scholarship ranged from research on Chinese history to classical studies, and was published in twenty-one works that were held in high regard by his contemporaries. Never very successful in his repeated attempts in the civil service examination, he made his living as Sun Xingyan’s house guest and by advising Sun on his post as Shandong Supervisor of Grain Transport (duliangdao), helping Sun with his evidential research. After the age of fifty he left for Guangdong and continued to survive by performing menial jobs. As he was absent from centers of scholarship like Beijing and Jiangnan, his accomplishments have long been ignored by researchers of Qing learning, and his life and career are not well-known. For the reference of scholars, this article compiles from a great number of sources a chronicle of Hong’s activities that have missed scholars’ attention. To it is appended an annotated bibliography of Hong’s published and unpublished works, thirty in total, accompanied by a summary of each work and a description of its editions. |