題 名 | 長短腿個案之站姿平衡能力分析=Analysis of Standing Posture Balance: Case Study of Leg Length Discrepancy |
作 者 | 許夏菁; 邱永興; 陳祺富; 林信良; 陳張榮; 張芝綺; | 書刊名 | 輔仁大學體育學刊 |
卷 期 | 9 2010.05[民99.05] |
頁 次 | 頁35-50 |
分類號 | 528.9013 |
關鍵詞 | 平衡控制; 矯正鞋; 移動半徑; COP; LLD; Balance control; Orthopedic shoes; Moving radius; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 摘要 長短腿(leg length discrepancy, LLD)係一常見疾病,佐以外科手術或矯正鞋,為行之有年的治療方式。目的:本研究的主要目的是藉由量測LLD患者包含足底壓力中心移動平均半徑與擺動面積等兩項平衡參數,以探討穿著矯正鞋後平衡狀態之改變與促進之效益情形。方法:受試者為一名21歲女性LLD患者,並以日常實際穿著之矯正鞋進行實驗。實驗以Posturomed®平衡檢測系統測試其在赤腳及穿著矯正鞋的情境下,開眼併足立、開眼健側單足立、開眼患側單足立、閉眼併足立、閉眼健側單足立、閉眼患側單足立等6項靜態站立姿勢測驗項目之足底壓力中心(center of pressure, COP)移動平均半徑及擺動面積等兩項平衡參數,做為評估平衡控制能力之依據,並以相依樣本t考驗進行統計分析。結果:COP移動平均半徑在閉眼併足立平衡動作( p =.029)與開眼併足立動作( p =.028)上呈現顯著差異;COP擺動面積在閉眼併足立平衡動作( p =.032)上呈現顯著差異。結論:本研究發現穿了矯正鞋對LLD患者平衡狀態會進行改變,且在靜態站立動作上併足立、單足立有所不同。在併足立動作上,穿著矯正鞋的平衡能力顯著優於赤腳。患側單足立時赤腳平衡能力有優於穿矯正鞋的趨勢,而健側單足立情況下穿矯正鞋平衡能力有趨於較赤腳佳的情形。 |
英文摘要 | Abstract Leg length discrepancy (LLD) is a common disease. The general treatment are surgical operation or orthopedic shoes. Purpose: The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of balance and improvement after wearing orthopaedic shoes on two balance parameter in measuring mean moving radius of center of pressure (COP) and sway area. Method: Subject is a 21-year-old LLD patient, taking test with daily use orthopedic shoes. Using Posturomed® balance examine system to evaluate two balance parameter in mean moving radius of center of pressure and sway area through following six static standing items: feet together stand with eyes opened, unaffected side of foot stand with eyes opened, affected side of foot stand with eyes opened, feet together stand with eyes closed, unaffected side of foot stand with eyes opened and affected side of foot stand with eyes opened, which can be used in the evaluation basis of balance control and test on dependent sample. Result: We found significant difference on the COP mean moving radius of center of pressure between feet together stand with eyes closed (p=.029) and feet together stand with eyes opened (p=.028). Conclusion: This research had proved that wearing orthopedic shoes can improve Balance of LLD patients. It makes differences in feet together stand and unaffected side of foot stand. Wearing orthopedic shoes can help patient to have better balance on feet together stand. Patient when wearing orthopedic shoes has better balance on unaffected side of foot stand than on barefoot. |