題 名 | 胡樸安《樸學齋集》及《樸學齋叢書》的文獻價值=The Documentary Value of Hu Pu-an's Pu Hsieh Chai Chi and Pu Hsieh Chai Chung Shu |
作 者 | 沈心慧; | 書刊名 | 東吳中文學報 |
卷 期 | 19 2010.05[民99.05] |
頁 次 | 頁329-368 |
分類號 | 830.8 |
關鍵詞 | 胡樸安; 胡韞玉; 胡道彥; 胡懷琛; 胡寄塵; 涇縣文獻; 南社; 樸學齋集; 樸學齋叢書; 胡鼎; 胡有恂; 胡淵; 民國墨蹟鈐印; Hu Pu-an; Hu Tao-yen; Pu Hsieh Chai Chi; Pu Hsieh Chai Chung Shu; Hu Ting; Hu Yu-hsun; Hu Huai-shen; Hu Yen; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 胡樸安(1878-1947),為民國初年的知名學者,其《中國文字學史》、《中國訓詁學史》二書為文字學史、訓詁學史開山之作,傳布海內外,影響深遠。其著作多元,據筆者蒐羅所得,專著含經史子集,有百種之多,而或散佚、或絕版,世罕有知者。1983年,其子胡道彥於臺北影刊胡樸安編著之《樸學齋集》及《樸學齋叢書》第一集八冊、第二集二十三冊、第三集二冊,計收其父胡鼎、其兄胡有恂、其弟胡懷琛及其女胡淵遺著39種、胡氏著作31種,另有安徽涇縣鄉邦文獻等。筆者幸得一部,除得以窺知胡氏學術之多元面貌外,更由其各書之自序、友朋作序、題署中,可以得知胡樸安及其弟懷琛之生平資料、學術見解、交遊面向與其家人之著作。本文即從以上各方面爬疏整理,冀為《樸學齋叢書》之文獻價值徵信發微,俾能存人存書,有益於文獻之保存也。 |
英文摘要 | Hu Pu-an (胡樸安) (1878-1947), a well-known scholar in the beginning era of the ROC. His A History of Chinese Etymology (《中國文字學史》) and A History of Chinese Scholium (《中國訓詁學史》) emerge as pioneering works, spreading at home and abroad and making a profound influence. Diverse as it might be, his works are over 100 kinds covering all fields of Ching Shih Tzu Chi (經史子集). Among them, due to being out of print or being lost, they have become unknown to the world. In 1983, Hu Tao-yen (胡道彥) his son, showed and printed his Pu Hsieh Chai Chi (《樸學齋集》) and Pu Hsieh Chai Chung Shu (《樸學齋叢書》) -8 books of Volume 1,23 books of Volume 2, and 3 books of Volume 3. Of these books, 39 kinds are legacies of Hu Ting (胡鼎) his father, Hu Yu-Hsun (胡有恂) his elder brother, Hu Huai-shen (胡懷琛) his younger brother, and Hu Yen (胡淵) his daughter. Besides, there are 31 kinds of his works as well as some literary documents found in Ching County of Anhei Province. I am fortunate enough to get these books. Based on these books, I can understand the various aspects of his academic works. In addition, according to the prefaces and prefaces written by his friends, I can know the autobiographical lives, academic insights and social lives of him and his elder brother. This paper aims to reveal the documentary value of these books, expecting that they can persist for a valuable preservation of literary documents. |