- 簡析會面交往的離間現象及司法因應之道
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- Supervised Child Visitation for Non-custodial Parent: A Study of Court-assisted-visitation and Its Monitoring System in Taiwan
題 名 | 簡析會面交往的離間現象及司法因應之道=Analyzed the Alienation Phenomenon in Visitation and Access and the Legal Response |
作 者 | 洪遠亮; | 書刊名 | 法學新論 |
卷 期 | 21 2010.04[民99.04] |
頁 次 | 頁43-78 |
分類號 | 584.47 |
關鍵詞 | 離間; 父母離間症候群; 監護權; 子女最佳利益; 會面交往; Alienation; Parental alienation syndrome; Custody; Best interest of child; Visitation and access; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 離間(alienation),是指父母親於離婚後,(有監護權)一方對於他方仍有仇視及負面的感情,進而不正當影響他們的未成年子女,使無監護權的他方父母親,行使會面交往發生困難或遭子女拒絕。而據國外研究報告顯示,被離間的子女在日後成長發展,在心理上、行為認知上易生諸多偏差,並引發諸多負面社會問題,不符合子女最佳利益。雖然我國社會及司法尚未正視此一問題,惟參考分析加拿大學說及司法裁判,司法系統可以使用變更監護權等多種裁判或作為,以因應此新興離間現象。 |
英文摘要 | Alienation refers to situations where a divorced parent's hostility and negative feelings toward a former partner influence their child and unreasonable lead the child to reject the other parent, thereby making none custodial parent's visitation and access difficult or impossible to exercise. According to the studies of alienated children revealed that they may have information processing, behavioral, emotional and social problems. Also is not consistent with "the best interest of child". Although our society and legal systems haven't aware of the alienation problem yet, consider the pertaining theory and cases of Canada, our court can use varying custody... diversity judgment to response the alienation phenomenon. |