題 名 | 婦女法定繼承權之落實:自法律社會學的觀點出發=Implementing Women's Right to Inheritance: A Perspective of Sociology of Law |
作 者 | 蔡穎芳; | 書刊名 | 靜宜人文社會學報 |
卷 期 | 4:1 2010.01[民99.01] |
頁 次 | 頁153-197 |
分類號 | 584.5 |
關鍵詞 | 繼承權; 性別平等; 父權; 女性主義法學; 法律社會學; 法律移植; Right to inheritance; Gender equality; Patriarchy; Feminist legal theory; Sociology of law; Legal transplant; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文透過法律社會學與女性主義法學的論述,採用「文獻分析」、「深度訪談」和「法院調解之參與觀察」三種研究方法,分別針對國際、國家與社區三個法律運作場域,探討移植自西方的性別平等繼承法制無法於台灣社會全面落實的原因。本文發現,婦女未能確實享有繼承權的問題,有被國際組織的婦女人權議題邊緣化的傾向。又由於父系家庭規訓、「重扶養與祭祀義務,輕繼承權利」的法律文化,與採取父母雙系繼承的現行民法相互扞格,導致部分已婚婦女未能確實享有法定繼承權,其財產享有與工作機會均受削減,最終被迫持續處於經濟弱勢的地位。本文建議,婦女於繼承方面受到壓迫的日常生活經驗應納入國際組織的主流議程與國際人權標準的討論之中。民法第一千一百七十三條生前贈與歸扣的範圍也應放寬,並允許特留分受侵害的婦女針對受超額生前贈與之繼承人行使民法第一千二百二十五條的扣減權。已婚婦女在扶養父母與祖先奉祀等方面,亦應加強與原生家庭之間的連結性,使已婚婦女的法定繼承權同時取得傳統習慣上的正當性。 |
英文摘要 | Despite the fact that both men and women have equal right to inheritance in terms of Article 1138 of Civil Code, only a few women do benefit from such a gender-neutral regulation. To form a complete set of regulation, four articles of Civil Code have been suggested by lawyers so as to reinforce women’s right to inheritance. The aim of this article is to examine the reason of women’s failure to enjoy the right to inheritance in the legal fields of worldplace, state and community through in-depth interviews and participative observation. Nine in-depth interviews with solicitors, judges, the justice’s clerk and the mediators of the district court and town halls, four in-depth interviews with citizens of Taichung City and County, and participative observation of mediation with reference to the inheritance cases tried in the district court were carried out dating from October 2006 to June 2007. It is found that the traditional concept excluding married women from the membership of natal family, the legal personality and the right to inheritance is so deeply rooted in the society that the effect of four legal suggestions would be very limited. To eliminate the patriarchal ideology fundamentally, women's oppressed experience of being excluded from inheritance, which damage women's right to survival, work and property, should also be included into the discourse of feminist legal theory so as to let law professionals and the public understand how gendered practice of Inheritance Act affect women's lives, and the importance of implementing the gender-neutral Civil Code. Women's right to inheritance should be included into the mainstream agenda of international human rights organizations as well. |