題 名 | 非營利社區文化產業的運作與影響:苗栗縣社區營造組織的兩個個案研究=The Operation and Impact of Nonprofit Community-based Cultural Industries: A Study of Two Cases in Miaoli |
作 者 | 邱連枝; 官有垣; | 書刊名 | 國家與社會 |
卷 期 | 7 2009.12[民98.12] |
頁 次 | 頁29-86 |
專 輯 | 社區總體營造 |
分類號 | 547.4 |
關鍵詞 | 非營利組織; 非營利組織產業化; 社區文化產業; 客家文化; Nonprofit organizations; Commercialization of NPO; Community-based cultural industry; Hakka culture; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來經濟全球化, 以及我國加入WTO的試煉, 社區營 造、在地化的思考,儼然成為農村或在地產業尋求轉型不得不 跟進的趨勢,而利用文化創意注入社區產業活力,締造社區文 化產業加值的作法,也成為一種產業發展策略的新興浪潮。客 家族群聚集的區域, 以農村形態居多, 面對族群文化逐漸消 失、年輕人才嚴重外流,客家村莊更需要藉由社區文化產業發 展,帶動社區產業的再造。這種再造的意義,不僅止於社區產 業的發展,更重要的是維繫著客家文化傳承與延續,重拾客家 族群的認同感與尊嚴。 本研究以兩個客家非營利組織:苗栗縣南庄A協進會及公館 B協進會做為分析比較的個案,兩協會均處於客家人聚集的社 區,均以客家文化創意發想,做為社區產業發展的主軸。本研究 希望了解社區文化產業對非營利組織發展帶來什麼影響,而以客 家人為主的非營利組織,在組織運作、社區營造又展現何種獨特 的面貌;最重要的是將觀察兩個客家非營利組織如何提升社區公 民意識,客家文化如何藉由社區文化產業的發展而延續。 |
英文摘要 | In the face of the current global context and the impacts of Taiwan's entry into WTO, community empowerment policy based on the economic idea of “think locally" approach has become one of the vital strategies by the government of Taiwan to promote the transformations of rural communities and local industries. The innovation of goods/services related to cultural material in the community building process not only boosts the production value of local industries, but also brings about the most successful key elements in local regeneration. Recently, the policy of cultural industry has been considered as a crucial factor in helping the revitalization of the Hakka communities. As a result, some of the Hakka nonprofit organizations began to undertake commercial activities in fostering community-based cultural industries. This study focuses on the comparison of two Hakka grassrooted associations, Nanzhuang A and Gongguan B, in Miaoli County. The two groups studied have been famous for their community- based cultural industries for several years. This study aims to explore the effects of developing cultural industry in the process of community empowerment and the operations of nonprofit organizations, in particular, to understand in advance how Nanzhuang A and Gongguan B expand the civic participation and nurture Hakka cultural legacy through various commercial activities? |